My Shoes

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I race back to the room Misa and I share in Headquarters.  She is not here right now, and thank god for that. I need to be alone right now, and seriously think about what I did.

Why on earth did I kiss Ryuzaki? Do I like him? I couldn't possibly. It was just one of those... In the moment things? Then why did I like it do much. He was just so warm and... Soft. And I just couldn't handle how he was touching me.

"Light?" I hear the front door open. Misa walks in. I sigh and put on a happy face.

"Misa, darling!" I give a fake smile. "How was your day?" I could care less.

"Ugh!" She shouts. "I swear, I never want to step into another studio again!! The photography he's all like complaining about how I'm doing the wrong pose. Like, hello?! I am doing all the work, that guy just presses a button and bam, his job is done!"

"Sounds rough," I lie. "Have you done anything while I've been gone?"

"You mean with Death Note? Oh, yes I have. I finished off twenty criminals."

"That's it?!" I say. "Misa, how do you expect us to rid the world of evil by killing only twenty people in a span of two days?! You should've done at least fifty in that time!"

"Oh! I'll work extra hard tonight, Light. I promise! I'm on to it right now!" She races off to our bedroom and locks the door, just as a precaution.

There's a knock on the door then. I sigh and go to answer it. I open the door to find the raven haired boy that I had recently kissed.

"R-Ryuzaki... What are you doing here?" I question.

"You forgot your shoes," he says, handing them to me with a smirk on his face.

"Oh... Thanks." I say awkardly and grab them from him.

"No problem," he says. "I wanna talk to you though, about what happened in the hall."

"Now's... Not a good time... Misa's here..."

"Oh, alright," he says disappointed. "Then I'll come by tomorrow." I nod and he leaves. I don't want him to come.

A/N: I'm not sure about the title for this chapter but its all I could think of, so let me know if you have a better title. Also please vote and comment if you're enjoying so far. Bye!

Insomnia. (Lawlight)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat