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It was a day like every other, though a bit more gray than most. I'd purchased that day's flowers from a local vendor, and I admired the blue irises as I walked up the cobblestone path through the graveyard. It was a route I knew well, as I'd only been taking it every day for the past three months. My father's grave lay at the end, and though I'd lost him years and years ago, finding that headstone always felt like greeting an old friend, regardless of their inability to contribute to conversation.

I started down the middle path, nearing my destination, but when I made the final left towards it, I had to notice the man who stood very plainly right in front of it: the man with the corkscrew curls and blue coat that I'd long since grown extremely accustomed to.

I froze.

I didn't know whether Lafayette's voice had risen or I'd simply begun paying attention, but it was at that moment that I began to catch the soft words he spoke as he fiddled with his hands.

"Alright, well, what I am trying to say- god, I 'ave just never done zis before. I mean, who 'as though? I am talking to a grave, for god's sake." He huffed, running a hand through his messy hair, and a soft smile came to rest on my lips. "Okay, so I guess what I really mean is just... I never knew you. But you, even now, 'ave always been one of ze most important people in your daughter's life. And so I am trying, 'ere."

I bit back a chuckle and went to approach him, before he continued. Again, I stopped.

"But that is not why I am 'ere. I mean, yes, it is, I am 'ere because I care about 'er, because she's one of the most important people in my life, but it is more than zat." I held my breath as his hand disappeared momentarily, and he withdrew something that I couldn't quite make out. "I am 'ere, really, because-while she never told me-I think this is how Y/N would want me to do this. She really, really did care about your opinion. And oui, I know you cannot give me zat opinion, or give me the answer I am looking for, but I am here because I still 'ave to ask."

Lafayette rolled his shoulders, and I could hear his sigh from where I was standing. "So yeah, you cannot really give me your approval, but in short, I want to ask Y/N to marry me."

My eyes went wide, and my vision blurred as tears began to swim in them.

"It would 'ave been important to 'er to 'ave your approval, and well, I would like to think I would if you were 'ere to give it to me, but I 'ad to at least tell you. She is- she really is ze best thing in my life. I would do anything for her. I mean, I 'ave already been to 'ell and back for 'er... with 'er."

I could hear his voice wavering as he choked back tears, though they already streamed down my cheeks.

"So yeah. That is... that is about it. I would do anything for 'er, and zis, well, zis is part of anything. I just- I want you to know my intentions. And I fully intend to marry your daughter."

At that point, any thought of the bouquet I'd spent time picking out or of everything I'd had to say to my father had completely fled my mind, and a sob escaped me as the flowers dropped from my hand. I saw my boyfriend (fiance?) stiffen at the sound, and he turned around with wide eyes. I rushed towards him, an elated grin spread across my face somewhere beneath the tears.

I threw my arms around his neck, and his hands quickly flew to my waist as I rested my head on his shoulder. It wasn't long, though, before his hands found their way up to my face, cupping my cheeks as he rested my forehead on his. It was a mess of hands, and lips, and tears, and 'je t'aime's, as all I wanted to do in that moment was be with that man. And for the rest of my life. Our kisses were sloppy, rushed as I tried to meet his lips with my shaking grin. Yet, the moment couldn't have been more perfect.

"Yes," I sobbed, weaving my hand into his loose curls, "Yes. A million times yes."

"You.. you will marry me?"

"Yes. I- yes. That is all I want. All I 'ave wanted for a long time." I bit my lip, choking back another sob. A grin split through his entire face.

"And I 'ave wanted to hear that for as long as I can remember."

And in that moment, everything was perfect.

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