sixteen ≫ floor two.

Start from the beginning

"Why the sigh?" He mumbled.

"Remember when you came over that night?" I smiled.

He chuckled to himself and answered me with a droned out 'yeesss', making me laugh in return.

"I saw you exactly nine hours ago and I already miss the hell out of you, what are you doing to me, Hemmings?" I joked, scribbling on a pad of paper on my desk.

"I'm not doing anything at all; you just like me for some odd reason. And hey, only my guy friends call me Hemmings. Call me something cuter, yeah?" He said with a smile in his voice.

"Lu-Lu?" I cracked up.

"Oh, god, literally anything but that, please." He laughed.

"How about we just keep it Luke." I said, grinning.

"Yeah, yeah. Did you know my middle name's Robert?" He said.

"Actually, no I didn't. Luke Robert Hemmings. You sound like a prince." I stated.

I scribbled 'Luke Robert Hemmings' onto my paper and then a crown next to it, listening to him snicker on the other line.

"What's your middle name?" He asked.

"I don't have one, actually." I laughed.

"Jasmin Malinis. Wow, that's so simple. You sound like a princess."

I scoffed into the phone and put the pen that I was drawing with down, getting up from my chair to sit on my bed.

"I'm far from a princess, Luke." I said.

"Oh, shut up. You're my princess." He said, smiling.

I just blushed and tried to think of things to reply to that, before my mom started calling me from downstairs.

"Hey, I think I've gotta go." I said.

"Yeah, me too. The attendants telling me to get off the phone." He groaned.

I laughed and we both said our goodbye's before I hung up the phone, and walked downstairs to see what my mom wanted. She was sitting down on the couch, as usual. The TV was turned on to some sort of hospital drama and I looked to my mom who was gesturing me to sit next to her.

"What's up?" I asked my mom, sitting down on the couch.

"You're going to see Luke today, right?" She asked.

"That's the plan, yeah." I said, looking at the TV to see what she was watching.

"Okay, well, could you make sure he's okay? With the incident and all.." She said.

"He's fine, mom. Well, he's not technically 'fine' but, he's y'know.." I trailed off.

"Yeah, I know. I'm just worried about him, is all." She sighed.

"Yeah, well, me too." I replied.


I was driving to Canyon Ridge and was actually really excited to see Luke and hear about his new song. I've been thinking about the band and how great they are, and I've also been thinking that they should probably put some of their covers and originals on youtube. They deserve to be noticed.

I finally pulled into my familiar parking space and got out of my car, excited to see Luke. I basically fast-walked to the doors of the institution, but was held up at the front desk.

"I'm sorry, miss, but patients on the second floor can only be seen on Thursdays at 7-8 p.m." She said.

"Wait..what?" I asked.

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