Chapter 12: Moving on

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“I’m glad,” Alexis sighed in relief. “I was worried he might try to win you back. I don’t want to see you go through that pain again, sis. It was bad enough the first time.”

Jade nodded, trying to hold back the tears that welled up in her eyes. Sadness hovered over her like an angry black cloud. The pain she felt after losing Sedric for a second time might be different from the pain she felt after being humiliated and betrayed, but it hurt just as bad. Her heart was bleeding, bleeding for a man who didn’t deserve her love. It was pathetic, really.

“The case against the Henderson Empire Hotel Group was dropped, so I assume that Sedric will indeed keep his word. Our lawyers informed us we no longer have to fear going to court and that the press has been successfully bypassed. The danger has subdued,” Alexis explained, looking relieved. “I can’t thank you enough for doing this, Jade. It means a lot, to the company, and to me.”

“We both know Sedric never meant to harm the company, Lexie. This was his way to get me to succumb. He knew I’d never agree to his proposition without blackmail. I should be apologizing to you for putting the company in danger,” Jade protested. There was no reason to thank her. It was her fault in the first place.

“I don’t care why he filed that report, sis. What’s important is that you prevented the case from going to court. Without you, the company would be losing out on a ton of profits and we’d lose some of our most valuable guests,” Alexis disagreed, shaking her head.

“Still, I feel responsible. It’s partly my fault,” Jade argued.

“No, it’s not. Don’t take the blame for something that asshole did,” Alexis said through gritted teeth, looking angry. It wasn’t until that moment Jade was reminded by how big of a treat Sedric had made. He could’ve easily ruined their family company. It made it that much more difficult for her to accept her feelings for him.

“I’m going to head back home now. I just wanted to make sure you were doing alright,” Alexis stated as she got up from the couch and took her coat from the peg. “I’m glad you’re home in one piece, sis,” she added with a smile before opening the front door of Jade’s apartment.

Jade said a quick goodbye as she watched her sister go. She was glad she was home too. Maybe now, she could finally start moving forward with her life. After feeling like she was stuck for years, it felt good to be freed of the hatred and resentment she used to feel. The future seemed to look much brighter than before. If only she could forget about the man that stole her heart and never gave it back.


A long and hot bubble bath later, Jade was sitting in front of the TV under a polar fleece blanket with a bowl of popcorn in her lap. Her body might be extremely exhausted, but the wheels inside her head were still spinning at full speed, keeping her wide awake. She’d tried to relax while taking a bath to no avail. Images of Sedric kept resurfacing in the back of her mind like a movie on repeat.

A loud knock on the front door startled Jade. Frowning, she got up from underneath the blanket and headed to the hallway. It was past ten o’clock. Who on earth would visit her that late? Nerves swimming in her belly, Jade imagined Sedric standing on the other side of the door, wearing that confident smirk of his. She already missed him after being separated for less than 12 hours.

Disappointment filled the pit of her stomach when she took a quick peek through the peephole and realized it wasn’t Sedric who decided to visit her after all. Damn. She shouldn’t be feeling this way. They’d gone their separate ways in peace. It was best if things stayed that way. Sedric and she had no future whatsoever.

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