Taking steps🤤💗 part 3

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After you cam gray and Ethan had finished your pizza you all watched a movie lying in cams king sized bed, you were watching 50 shades of gray for some reason.
You were lying in this order: Ethan,Grayson,You,Cam
A very sexual scene came on, all of a sudden you felt a warm soft hand slip down the inside of your left thight.... it was Grayson, you felt wrong letting him do it but you wanted him so bad but you showed no sign at all of it. You looked up at him he grinned like a little kid for a few seconds, his hand was getting higher up your thigh when all of a sudden...
Cam: Ethan do you wanna come downstairs with me and get some drinks?
Ethan: yeah ok
As he said this cam got out of bed and ripped the covers of everyone, grays hand quickly moved.
Gray: phew that was close
Y/n: what was all that about then.
Gray: what was all what about?
He said smirking

You jokely rolled your eyes at him
The other came back
Cam: right let's finish this film then
Ethan: it's kinda gross in a way
Gray: it turns me on
We laughed
After about 3 minutes grays hand slipped back up your thigh you smiled again but this time not looking at him.
Ethan kept on making funny and dirty jokes on the film
Gray whispered in your ear: whatever is about to happen don't be shocked or make it visible what's happening
You were confused about this but then started to realise as his hands crawled down your pants he gently rubbed your clit, your breathing got heavier, your heart started beating faster
Gray: I want you
He did this action for the rest of the film the more he did it the more turned on you got.
Gray: do you like that hey?
He got slower and took his hands out you underwear as the ending credits came on.

Ethan: come on Grayson let's go in our room.
As they left the bed gray looked you in the eyes

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