Your convo with the twins🤤💗part 2

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After a few hours just talking to cam,
Cam: do u wanna go downstairs and talk to the boys?
Y/n: yeah ok
Cam: cool, let's go

You wanted to play xbox a bit with cam, so while the boys were sat on the couch behind you you bent down to turn it on (only to show them your ass.) You could here Grayson whisper
Gray:shhh, dude look
Ethan: what?
Gray: look at y/n's ass
Ethan: woah
Gray:holy shit
They whispered all this but you pretended you couldn't hear them when you clearly could

Cam: so then y/n how long do you wanna spend staying with us?
Y/n: honestly I don't mind
Cam: is three nights ok?
Y/n: yea that's fine with me
Cam: k cool

Cam: ima just go to the bathroom you ok to stay here with the boys for a bit?
Y/n: yeah that's fine
After about an awkward 69😉 seconds...

Gray: so then y/n how long have you known cam for?
Y/n: since 6th grade I think
Ethan: so quite a while
Y/n: yeah

Cam came back....
Cam: if they said anything embarrassing about me it's not true
You smiled at that
You looked up and saw gray staring into your eyes
Gray: you have a nice smile
Y/n: thanks
You blushed at this comment
Ethan: so then y/n how old are you?
Y/n: I'm 17 nearly 18
Gray: oh we're 18
Cam: and stupid
Y/n: 😂oh ok then😂
Ethan: we're gonna go buy some pizza wanna come?
Cam: no thanks but get us some, I'll have Hawaiian
Y/n: I'll have pineapple
Ethan looked shocked at this remark
Y/n: did I say something wrong
Gray: no your good
As they walked out the door Ethan said to gray
Ethan: omfg she's perfect she likes pineapple pizza
Gray: but I'm taking her in me tonight...

The dirty dolans🤤Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz