"Gah! Clyde no I don't!" I hear Tweek say and Clyde is standing next to him with a smirk as Tweek has a brights red face "Clyde what did you say?" I ask him "oh I asked him if he liked-" "Clyde no!" Tweek yells covering his mouth "Tweeks likes someone?" I say and Clyde nods. Clyde speaks buts its muffled I'm sure he said the persons name.

"Sorry Clyde I didn't hear you" I say and he moves Tweeks hand "I said-" "alright students since today is the first day you guys can chat" the teacher says.

"Ok as I was saying Tweek like someone but as a good friend I'm not going to say who he likes" he says. Tweek sighs of relief "oh ok" I say and then we talked about random things we like.

"Is anyone doing sports this year?" Clyde asks "no. I don't really want to" I say "can't really I'm going to work at my parents coffee shop" Tweek says "hey have your parents answered you yet?" I ask "oh no that's what I forgot to ask them about Y/n I'm sorry!" Tweek says.I asked him if I could work at his parents coffee shop but he forgot to ask.

"Its ok Tweek after school we can both go ask" I say putting a hand on his shoulder "ok.." I look at the clock its almost time to go. "We better get into the lockers and change since the teacher hasn't told us" I say and they nod.

So I went to the locker room to change fast and as I put my shoe on the bell rang time to go to history sadly Tweek isnt in there but Craig is. "Ready for history?" A monotone voice says while ruffling my hair "yes I am I thought I told you to stop that" I say fixing my hair.

"Eh" he shrugged and we walked to history. "Welcome" the teacher greeted while we walked in "hello sir" I say and Craig just looks at him and we walk in. We got to sit in random spots because the board said we were getting a seating chart anyway.

I sat in a spot by the window behind Craig. The bell rang again meaning class has started. "Hello minds of the future!!" The teacher said coming through the door "Hello!" They all said. "Now lets get you all that seating chart." The teacher says pulling out a paper.

"Ok you two just move back one" he says to us I guess we were kind right. I think as me and Craig move back one. I sat ther tossing little paper balls into Craigs hood as the teacher moved everyone around

(Small time skip to lunch)

I walked into the lunch room to see our table and I walks to it happily and sat down. "So are you really gonna go a day without your medication?" Token asks "yes I am" I say "so do you act crazy or weirder?" Craig asks "both I guess I dunno its been a while" I say trying to remember.

"Oh yea! Here this is for you" Clyde says passing me a blue paper "what's that?" Tweek asks just sitting down. "A Blue paper" I say and open it. "Read it out!" Clyde says "its says read to self" I say and he shrugged "keep talking ill read this" I say waving my hand at them so they all looked away.

I started to read the note to realize its a love letter... My first love letter...

Dear Y/n,

You know who I am but you dont know who since you know a lot of people. Ill just get down to the part and say Y/n I like you or wait. No I love you with every inch of my heart. I know you might like someone else but you'll like me soon and no one else. Ever. You'll be mine.


Being me "Craaaiiiiiiggggg" I say and his head shoots his attention to me "what?" He says and I wave the paper in his face "I need you help" I say as he reads the note. "Its creepy I dunno what I should do" I say "Clyde is this you" Craig says "why would I like y/n? She like a little sister" Clyde says.

"What do I do" I say and put my head on the table "seems like a fake 'yandere' person you know after that whole thing of last year of girls threatening each other" Craig explains "b-but what if its the real thing!?" Tweek yells "calm down Tweek, we won't ever let anything happen were her friends" Craig explains.

"H-hey Y/n?" Tweek says "yes?" I say sitting up "where exactly i-is your lunch?" Tweek asks "no! I left it in my locker!" I say and slam my head down on the table "would you l-like to share?" Tweek asks "is that okay with you?" I say and he nods.

"Ok so what do you got?" I ask and scoot to his side sitting next to him making him jump "gah! Uh.. A Sandwich with an apple and for my drink coffee" he says "the forbidden drink" Craig says looking at me "some day ill have it" I say "gummy worms? Is that what those are?" I ask "oh yea! I forgot I had these" he says.

Sharing a lunch with Tweek was actually nice. We shared the sandwich and the gummy worms. Tweek is so great!


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