"My mother's step-mother. Best known as the infamous child abuser."

Making the connection, it dawned on him exactly who she was.

"I should've let her continue to whoop. that. ass. But I'll leave that alone. Mia go grab your stuff."

While her fingers massaged at her throat, Diane stood slowly and glared at us as my parents came in.

"What's going on— Diane? What are you doing here?" My mother asked as my father stepped behind. "And why do you look so out of place?"

"Your daughter just attacked me. That's why!"

"Only because she thought she could put her hands on me and get away with it. I am not a child anymore. And I can't believe you still have contact with this woman considering everything she's done."

"Can we please just focus on the main reason that we're all here? Mia we need to discuss this."

"You really think I'm going to discuss my personal business in front of this psychotic bitch? If you do then you're completely wrong. Come on Prince." I blurted before motioning him to exit.

"Your so called private business ain't so private no more, little girl." Diane smirked. "Everyone knows what you've done. Just when I thought you made something out of yourself you turn around and screw it all up, just like I knew you would. And for a man? My God Adina you sure do have an idiot on your hands!"

"Didn't you have enough of me smacking you across the face?" My steps quickened towards her but my father pulled me back.

"Diane it's about time for you to go." He stated trying to be calm. "We don't need this."

Diane stared with disgust. "Oh Lucas, you've always been the one to take up for anything and everything she did. No wonder she's a mess, she gets it from you."


With a quick glance to my mother, Diane grabbed her purse. "Dina, give me a call once you're away from all of this."

My father slammed the door and locked it just to make sure that Diane couldn't get back in.

It wasn't long before we all sat in total silence, but he eventually broke the ice.

"I do apologize for Diane's actions, but that's her usual introduction, angry and disruptive."

"Please, it's not a problem." Prince smiled. "Don't apologize on her behalf."

With a nod my father eyed my mother before speaking, and I knew exactly what that look meant.

"I never thought that I'd ever have a celebrity in my home, never in a million years, especially under these circumstances." He hesitantly grinned.

Prince reached out and shook his hand. "The circumstances aren't the best, but I'm happy to finally meet the father of the woman that I've grown to adore so much."

My father turned to me as my mother watched quietly. "I need to know one thing, ¿Él te hace feliz bebé?"

I glanced over at Prince and back to my father's direction. "Sí papá. Ningún hombre ha llenado mi corazón de alegría de la manera en que lo hace."

"Lo único importante para mí es tu felicidad. Si eres feliz, entonces yo también." He said.

"Confía en mí cuando digo que Prince me hace muy feliz."

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