c h a p t e r 2 7

133 7 0

jieun's pov

I was crossing the streets and didn't look at where I was walking, until then a car was coming it honked and I looked up and turned my head


I couldn't move at all. I was stuck there. Like my feets were glued there. I mean scared people would do those of course. Even you.

You'd say 'MOVE MOVE! ! ! WHY DON'T YOU MOVE STUPID!' When you are going to be crashed by a car or anything you'll feel the feeling of scaredness and your feets being stuck there.

I stood there not knowing what to do until the car was so near to me, all I could do was just close my eyes and sighed, I felt like I was being pulled into a tight hugged and didn't feel anything. .


But. .


I opened my eyes and looked up, it was Jihoon. . "Jihoon. ." I breathelessly said, tears were in his eyes willing to burst out but it wouldn't, until one came out. .

He opened his eyes and tears wouldn't stop coming out I kissed him and he deepen it by putting his hands on my waist and my hands beside his neck.

He broke it and cupped my face "Don't you dare walk alone ever again, at least walk with someone but not a guy and don't use your phone, seriously this isn't funny." He seriously said with his deep voice, and I just look at him lost in his eyes I nodded slowly and he then held my hand and kissed my palms

"I love you." He slowly said

"Love you too." I said still lost in his eyes he then giggled and I snapped back into reality and I am now flustered. . what did I do again. . .

I just sighed and I looked up at him again "Lets go?" He asked and I just nod and we then walked hand in hand. . .

"Why did you go home early?" I asked

"Since Soo Young left early, I decided to went home early as well." He said

"Wow okay. . what was her reason?"

"Not feeling good."

"Wow. . what a good reason lol."

"I know right."

"I miss you." I looked up at him and rested my chin on his shoulder and hugged him whole looking at him

"Do you think I don't miss you? I miss how you roast on Soo Young all the time, I love it." He laughed

"Same I like roasting her a lot." I said my face still in the same place

"What are you doing huh cutie pie?" He said and looked at me

"I'm not a pie." I said in a baby voice

"Haha okay okay. ." He squished my cheeks

"Ouch!" I screamed and he quickly covered my mouth

"Don't scream here." He said nervously

"Why?" I said

"I'll explain later on, we gotta go quick." He said and let go of my mouth then signed me to go on his back for a piggy carry

"Hell no. I'm heavy." I said

"I don't care." He signed me again and I just sighed and did what he told me to do, when I got on his back he stood up quickly then ran. .

As we arrived in front of Eunhye's house Jihoon dropped me down and I knocked the door, before Eunhye opened the door Jihoon collapsed down and I caught him, we ended up sitting on the ground and me confused as well as Eunhye and Daniel "Jihoon! Jihoon! Wake up!" I cried while my left hand under his neck and my other one above his hard manly chest

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