c h a p t e r 1 8

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jieun's pov

"Wait who are those girls? They're coming here!" A girl screamed from the boys' side me and Shanned looked up and saw the both of them with their 'surprised' face plastered on them

"Oh well, we wasted our time for nothing then." I said and rolled my eyes and turned around

"I know right." She said and turned back as well following me we walked away even though we heard the boys screaming

"I'm sorry!" Jihoon said and grabbed my hand

"What?" I said and looked at him with coldness in my  eyes

"It isn't what you-" "Then tell me!" I screamed good thing we're out of the mall already we ran out of the mall and we got pretty far from it so we can literally scream as much as we want since it was a quiet road

"She's my cousin!" Jihoon said

"Hm." I said and rolled my eyes

"What about him then?" I asked pointing to Jinyoung

"His cousin too? Don't think so." I said

"Ehh. ." Jinyoung said scratching the back of his head

"I see, you lied." I said and looked at Jihoon. .

"No. I didn't."

"Then how come he looks so unsure about your answer before?"

"Its because he doesn't know that, that girl was my girl- eh- cousin."

"Oh- wait. Did you wanted to say girlfriend?"

"N-No." He stuttered? What? Why would he stutter?

"Really? Then why are you stuttering then?"

"Fine, she's my ex, I accidently said girlfriend because I and her used to be together for a long time until then, she cheated on me, so I moved with the others on High School, then here we are. I'm with you." He said, my eyes starting to be teary

"I'm-I'm sorry.." I said and looked down, then, a tear fell

"Noo! Don't cry!" He said and pulled me into a tight hug

"I'm sorry." He said and let go of me and bent down, and wiped a tear

"Its okay." I said and looked up

"Guys." Shanned said disturbing us

"I think you should do what you're about to do at home." She said and I made an disgust look

"You're so dirty." I said and grabbed Jihoon's arm and ran home leaving Shanned and Jinyoung alone laughing

"I'm tired. ." I said and hugged Jihoon we haven't reached home yet, since the mall was pretty far from my house so we decided to take a bus

"Lets take the bus then." He said

"Sure, I'm to lazy to walk though." I said but whisperred at my last sentence so he won't hear me

"Here go." He said while squatting

"What?" I said curiously like I didn't say anything

"Come one I know you want it." He said wanting to carry me

"Fine if you say so." I said and walked forwards and go on him

"Ah!" I screamed

"Hold on." He said while standing

"Okayy." I shruged and held onto him his cologne going to my nose smelling so good

"Your cologne smells good." I said and putted my chin on his right shoulder

𝒍𝒐𝒗𝒆 𝒂𝒕 𝒇𝒊𝒓𝒔𝒕 𝒔𝒊𝒈𝒉𝒕 - 𝙥𝙟𝙝 [𝗱𝗶𝘀𝗰𝗼𝗻𝘁𝗶𝗻𝘂𝗲𝗱]Where stories live. Discover now