Ch 8: Reaction

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Acci woke up feeling the familiar soft embrace a mattress against her head. She tried to lift herself but her limbs were stiff and smothered in a thick blanket. Rocking back and forth, she loosened her body enough to move towards the edge. With her hand over the edge, she touched the surprisingly smooth wooden floor and pushed up fast enough to lift her back off the mattress. When she looked forward, her heart squeezed in her chest. Her things were gone. The floor was cloth free, her cabinet and her mirror were no where to be found. She twisted her head around the room and finally took in the whole scene. The walls were brownish, smooth and hole free. In one corner, there were boxes of paper and strange metal objects and above it was a white shelf filled with many smaller boxes.

Suddenly, her memories flashed through her mind. She remembered being zapped and thrown into truck and then waking up riding on some kind of motorbike with a different masked man. No, it was a boy. An older boy with pale skin and black hair.

So the Mask are all freaks. She pulled a white strand near her eyes. Like me. She flung off the sheets andjumped onto the floor. When floor made a large creak sound, she stopped. She looked towards the door and listened for any voices. After a few minutes of no sound, she slowly creeped towards the door. She opened a slight crack in the door and peaked through. She could hear at least two muffled voices, but she could not see anyone. Closing the door, she looked around.

This is a crappy jail though. Probably can break out easy. Above the mattress was a window covered in a faded brown cloth. She stepped on the mattress and pulled apart the stubborn cloth. The window was wide enough for her to stick her head and shoulders through. but her chest was scrapping the rocky surface. When she jumped up, her chest came out but then bounced on the outer wall. Her waist was stuck in the window.

Her boots tried to grip onto the wall, but they kept slipping off. She tried to prop herself up, but each time she fell back to the wall, looking directly at the hard ground. Then she heard a door creak behind her.

“Oh,wow. You've really got yourself stuck in there. But it's good to see you're finally awake, Accident,” said a voice much more smoother, deeper than the boy she met earlier.

“You'll be sorry foe takin me! You Masks touch me and I'll kick your ass!” she yelled at the wall.

“Don't worry. There are no Masks here. We took you from them,”

“If you aren't, why'd ya take me? I ain't gonna be your slave!” She kicked against the wall again, but she stayed put.

“It's not like that all. Just let me get you out of the window, and I'll tell you everything,” Each knock of his footsteps made her heart race. She was too defenseless inside the window too allow anyone near her.

“Wait! Let me do it. Don't you move!” Pushing against the wall, she managed to squeeze out of the window and land on the mattress. A hand reached out to her.

“Are you alright?” the voice asked.

She pushed the hand away and immediately sat up. In front of her was another Pearlie man with mostly short black hair except for a patch of white hair at the at the top. He had an a good-looking face and small, kind smile that she had never seen on a awake or at least sober person. When he turned towards the door, she quickly took out metal sliver. When they walked out of the room, they were met by three people sitting on a couch, the black haired Pearlie boy who took her from the truck, a Nyx boy with white hair just like her and a Pearlie girl who also had black hair.

“Great. You woke the crazy one,” the Pearlie boy said.

“Ugh... Freak boy. I'm not stayin here wit him,”

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