14: About Last Night

Start from the beginning

I moaned loudly as she did, feeling the warmth and wetness of her cum all over my cock inside her. That was only when I realized I had to pull out so I did, squirting on her clit finally. I groaned loud.

After, she leaned against me, tired and panting like I was, too.

We paused, tired. And then I allowed my body to plop on the floor while she was still leaning on me. All I could hear was our breathing in that dark room.


Alice was lying down on my chest.

"That was...amazing." I said and she chuckled lightly. I did too.

She looked up at me, "Did I take you by surprise?"

"To be honest, I didn't think you'd do it."


I sneered and looked at her funny, "I'm not."
She laughed and playfully hit my chest.

"I'm just saying, I barely know you and I know it might be weird for you."

"I don't mind." I paused, "I mean--I'm down for getting-to-know stuff now. Sheesh. What do I have to lose? I'm here. We can know anything we want right at this moment."

We were lying on the blanket spread across the floor when she sat up and looked at me after I said my remarks. She realized she didn't know much about me and this would be good opportunity.

"You're right. I wanna know more about you."

"Okay," I sat up and she did too.

She wrapped the blanket around her. She clutched it as she sat. She was staring at me.

"Can I ask you anything?"

"Yeah, you can ask away."

"Alright." She paused and looked away, "What do you do every night? Like earlier, where did you come from before..."

"Oh, um, see, I patrol this city. Me and my brothers: we take care of this city by taking out vigilantes, gangs, monsters, you name it."

"You and your brothers? There's more?"

"Just four of us."

"So they're like you?"

"They're turtles." I laughed, "But we're very different from each other."

"So...you're like the shy one, I'm guessing?"

I laughed at her guess,

"What?" she asked and laughed lightly. She looked so beautiful. "Did I get it right?"

I shook my head, "I'm way too far from being shy, Alice."

"Really?" She furrowed her eyebrows at me and gaped, "Then tell me about you. I wanna know who you are." She paused and gazed into my eyes, "Tell me." She said again with that sensual voice. I don't even know if she knows she's doing it.

"I'm..." I realized I'm staring at her lips so I look at her eyes, "I'm the guy that likes the daring, the adventure. I'm not shy, I just get a little indecisive when I'm in an aspect I'm not so fond of."

"Like what?"

Like being around a beautiful woman like you.

"Being around people?" she chuckles lightly, "You are shy."

I felt challenged. "No." I quickly replied. "Being around you." I said with conviction.

Her eyes quickly look up into mine.

Then, nervousness goes all over me. I barely get nervous like this but it was as if she was kryptonite melting me.

"What about you?" I changed the topic, "Tell me something about you."

"People don't like me as much." She's lying. I've seen her with a man that likes her. And I don't see how people can't like her.

"I know that because they never stuck around. That's why I prefer to be alone. I prefer to hang up the rooftop because it makes me calm and that gives me satisfaction than being with people who secretly hates me."

"So you've always been on that rooftop?"

"Yeah," she smiled.

"Lucky." I said.


"Because if you weren't there, I wouldn't have met you."

"Yeah and you wouldn't be running away from trouble." She grimaced,

"If there wasn't trouble with my brother, then my life would be boring."

She chuckled, "Right."

"Thank you for letting me stay."

"Of course."

"Even though I'm just a stranger...and a..."

"I like your company." She said then tucked her hair behind her ear, "And...just you in general."

"I like you, too." I said. She smiled and so did I.

She sighed, looking at my lips again. I moved in and kissed her. It felt so damn good. I remember just earlier when I feared making a move thinking how one wrong move and it could ruin all of this.

"Are you hungry?"

God yes, I thought remembering her mouth.

"Uh," I couldn't say anything as I tried to erase my mind,

"Because I'm planning to get food for a midnight snack. So we can munch on something while talking." She stood up, "What do you like?"

"What do you have?"

"Anything you want. We can even order it." She said walking to the phone.

"How about pizza?"

She smiled, "I love pizza." And began dialing.

This girl is becoming the girl of my dreams.

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