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Katherine's POV

It was quiet day in the library. The smell of old books and flowers filled the shop. And the sounds of the busy street filled the room. Looking out the window was a thing I've always done since I started helping here for the late librarian. Poor old man passed away. Alone. Leaving me this place to take care of.
I mean it's not hard but it does get lonely here from time to time. Barley anyone comes in here for books since we are such a tiny shop. Only working here for a month before he passed I haven't gotten to know anything about this area of Birmingham.

So far the day has been quiet. The smell of rain still lingering around from this morning. Though it being evening as of right now. It's better than smelling gun powder,smoke, and pure alcohol in my opinion. Why would I be smelling that in the first place you may be asking well there's a bar down the street. It's called the Garrison. Haven't been in side; yet I don't plan on going in there anytime soon.

The sound of children running and yelling caught my attention as I was stacking books near the window. Confused as to hearing this. It wasn't the usual laughter yell it was more anger yell.

"GET BACK HERE LITTLE SHIT!!!" I stook my head out the window to see three older boys chasing a much younger boy down the street.

The younger boy was fast. Faster than the older boys. He quickly turned a corner and out of sight. For awhile I could hear them then it was quiet only to be disturbed by the shop door slamming open.

Dropping the books in my hands and looking over at the door to see the young boy standing there all covered in dirt and mud with a cut on his eye. He was scared. Couldn't be more than 5 years of age.

"C.." before he could finish I heard the older boys. Within a second I had the young boy hiding behind the desk. The older boys came running in. Looked around then at me.

"Have you seen a little boy about ye high." The leader by the looks made a hand gesture and I shook my head.

"No. And you should give more detail than just saying ye high."

"Blue eyes, blonde hair,dirty..." again I shook my head at this. He just a little kid what do they want with him?

The left fast closing the door behind them. Quickly going to kick the door and all and going to the little boy hiding under the desk. Pulling the curtain back from the small hole he could fit in he looked at me.

Shaking, scared and crying.

"Come here sweetie. They are gone. Let me clean you up okay?" He nodded slightly as he crawled out.

I looked at him closely and smiled softly. He gave a slight smile but looking at the door half expecting them to come back.

"Don't worry I won't let them hurt you. Okay?" I picked him up and sat him on the counter. He had a few cuts on his face. I frowned as I got a bottle of whiskey putting some on a cloth dabbing it on his face. He gripped on to my sleeve.

"Your being strong. This stuff would make any child cry."

"I never cry."

"Well you where just crying a few moments ago. But there's nothing wrong with crying. It makes you a man."

"Really? Finn says other wise."

"Who's Finn ?" I asked

"Finns my uncle. I lost him in the crowed at Uncle Arthur's pub. And these boys started attacking me so I ran."

I frowned as I finished cleaning him up. Gently dabbing. "I'll take you home; okay? Where's the pun at ?"

The little boy looked me in the eyes. "The Garrison?"


By the time we where able to leave the store was when the sun was about to set. Holding the boys hand as we walked. I've noticed we are in the darker parts of Birmingham. People looked at me weirdly then stepped away when they looked at the boy.


"Their! Aunt Pol!! Father!" The boy let my hand go and ran towards a woman and a man. Me close behind worried he'll get hurt. Before he could reach this Aunt Pol and his father I suppose; a horse came from know where. It being spooked by the the little boy. My eyes went wide, I heard a few women scream including aunt Pol.

Within a second I grabbed the boy falling to the ground covering him as the horse came down before smashing us. Breathing heavily cradling the boy to me tightly. Praying I get the most impact.

But nothing. I heard nothing. No bone crushing, no screaming, nothing. I opened my eyes to see the man who stood next to the woman in front of us calming the horse down.

Two men grabbed me and the little boy moving us back fast. The little boy actually holding s death grip on me so the men couldn't pry him off me.

"God Charles, it's okay." I looked at the man. He looked older.

The little boy who is Charles looked but keeping. Ahold of me.

"That horse Uncle Arthur.."

"It's okay. You father got him." The man arthur looked at me confused.

"What are you doing with my son?" I killed slightly looked at the man.

"I... he..." I was stuttering stunned by what just happened.

"She saved me from these boys..."

Charles got out of my arms and went to the man. The man crouched down and looked at him. I'm guessing he's his father. Well duh he called him father earlier.

"I was just bringing him home. Apparently he got lost from Finn? Then I saw these boys chasing him so I hid him so he wouldn't get hurt any further." I rubbed my arm.

The man looked mad. When I said what happened and he stood up.

"Thank you. Charles let's go."

I raised a brow. "Your welcome." I looked at Charles smiled softly. He smiled too and quickly hugged me. I gently rubbed his head. I bent down to his height.

"If you need anything like a hiding place you know where my place is, okay? And just ask for Katherine or Katie. That's my name I forgot to tell you." Charles nodded. I gave him a soft smile. Standing back up I looked at the father, the two men, and woman who stared at me.

Boy was I confused. They where giving me weird looks. What is with them?

"Um I'll just go. Before it gets to late. Bye." I stepped back turning around I started walking.

Thomas' POV

I watched the woman Katherine walk away. Does she not know who we are? Or who my son is?

"She didn't seemed afraid like the usual women or finding over Thomas like everyone woman does." I looked at John.

"I like her. She was nice." I looked down at Charles who looked afraid and all cut up.

Finn is a dead man.

"Well I don't know who she is but she saved Charles and that's all that matters." Aunt Pol took Charles into the Garrison. I kept watching her. Her small body disappearing behind the corner of the street.

She's a mysterious woman.

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