Chapter 3: Law of the Wild

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After an hour of talking to different subs and sporadic dancing Law had subtly convinced the group to go to the bar for something hydrating. He had found himself particularly drawn to Ephraim who was just as hyper as Robin as soon as he got comfortable. Though the difference was that Ephraim was the instigator who planted the ideas and Robin was the one who actively carried them out. Brett was very much the mom of the group but Law had a hunch is wasn't natural. In result the first few minutes were a little awkward as they figured each other out. Now Law decided it was time to push his new found friend towards a more comfortable attitude. After all, I like taking the more protective roll while watching other have fun. Not that I don't like having fun. I just prefer making sure it is safe, though someone else could probably say it better. Bad Law. Don't push yourself down! Enough. Keep an eye on Ephy.

"So what are the things you guys like to do?" Law asked, he took a sip of the lemon infused water. 

Ephy immediately said, "Dancing."

Robin then gulped his water and wiped his face, "Dirty or sexually are preferred. Keeps our Doms eyes on us." Brett looked like he wanted to say something. Naturally Law couldn't let him hide.

"Brett? What dancing is best?" he asked with an eyebrow raised and a smirk as if he knew what the sub was going to say. 

"Strip dancing," came out of Brett's mouth before his eyes went wide as he realised what happened. 

Ephy, as Law now seemed to call Ephraim, rolled with it, "Pole dancing is fun too." A ginormous grin sprouted on Robin's face. 

"Brett, go ask if there's a show planned in the next hour," he ordered. Mischief practically radiated off of Robin as he said, "They won't suspect anything if it's you." Brett seemed to find his new role easily and dashed off. 

"Robin, are we going to have a competition?" Ephy asked with a soft and excited smile. His mane bouncing as he did and his puppy brown eyes big with hope. 

Law knew he had to jump in now if he didn't want things to get too out of hand, "When Brett gets back let's go to the subs room to plan out the rules. Two rules will be no touching yourself or each other and only removing shirts and footwear. Understood?" Apparently he felt comfortable enough with them that he slipped into sitter mode. They frowned but nodded. In no time they were rejoined with Brett and in the subs room. 

Once there Brett suddenly turned to Law and reverted back into mother mode, "Can you dance Law?"

"Don't worry about me. I'll be the adult and you just have fun," Law replied, giving him a swat on the butt then suddenly wondering if it was too soon for that behaviour. Though Brett didn't seem fazed so he let out a sigh of relief. Robin immediately began pulling things out of his locker and tossing them into the middle of the room where Ephy was throwing up a red scarf and giggling as it landed. After mentally "awe"ing at that, Law said, "Don't make your costumes too obvious because we still want the surprise factor. Do you have a long necklace?" 

Robin rolled his eyes, "Of course. Brett, you're the fashion one, help me out. Puppy, stop playing and come here so someone can dress you." 

"I'll help him Birdy. Don't put too much makeup on. Oh, if you are going to put something on your top make it loose. I think a brand would lessen your punishments after this," Law pointed out as he grabbed the scarf out of the air above Ephy. Robin smirked at his nickname and turned to let Brett dress him before returning the favour. Law managed to wrangle the little sub into wearing the scarf around his hips like a skirt and another around his shoulders like a vest. The necklace was set in his hair which had somehow been gathered up into a fluffy ponytail. "Ephy, do you think Master Lincoln would mind if we put his name on your back?" Law asked, cautiously. 

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