You're Worth fighting For

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You tell me you're hurting. And im glad you did.

Because usually you hide your feelings, and keep them all under a lid.

 It doesn't mean I don't notice it.. sometimes I stupidly don't. But when I do, I want to help, and sometimes I don't know which way to go.

Your feelings are valid its okay to be sad. Its okay to be lonely, its okay to be scared. Just remember in your heart that im always here.

It's okay to cry, its okay to get angry. You have every right with what you're fighting.

You're so strong and ever so brave. Especially because the monsters you're fighting are inside your brain.

I know this is hard, but please don't give up. You're worth fighting for, and deserve so much love.

Life Hurts .1 (Growing up Series)Where stories live. Discover now