The Wonderful Witch of Lies

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Yume was having a wonderful dream. She was having a tea party of a flying carpet flying all over Contefee when suddenly -

"WAKE UP TOMATO!!" Subaru yelled as he banged on a large heavy gong

"AH!!" she screamed "How did you fit a gong in your hat?"

"Oh, this wasn't in my hat, I found it in the closet, neat right?" he said with a smile

Yume yawned and got out of bed and changed into one of the green dresses provided for her in the closet. Subaru didn't change and stuck with his normal wonderland clothes and hat.

As they left the city they noticed how much emptier it was when everyone else was asleep. Except for one girl who was hanging posters that said ...

Come See The Good Fairy Hime

As She Graces Emerald City

With Her Beauty & Grace & Her

Beautiful Voice!


"Her voice?" Yume read

"Oh yeah, Hime likes to sing to everyone in Contefee, I mean, I've never heard her, but I heard her voice is good," said Subaru 

When they reached the gate Mahiru was actually asleep. "Um ... excuse me?" said Yume

"Huh - eh - what?" she stuttered

"We're trying to get out," said Subaru

"Oh, yes, yes," she said before yawning "Just leave your goggles in the bin while you go, thank you," then she fell asleep.

"Um ... excuse me?" Yume said again


"You didn't open the gate,"

"Oh, right," Mahiru pulled on a rope and the heavy emerald doors opened. Yume and Subaru tossed their goggles into the respective bin.

"So where are we heading?" Yume asked

"Ice Flower's house is just through the woods behind the emerald City," he said "Here, put on this gas mask, I am not dragging you over again,"

Subaru took two gas masks out of his hat, handed one to Yume, then they slid them over their faces and started walking through the poppies. "So why do you have gas masks?" she asked

"I have a lot of things here that I don't know the purpose of!" Subaru took off his hat and took out a rubber chicken. He laughed "Why would anybody ever need this?"

"Um ... to laugh at?" Yume shrugged

Subaru laughed even harder. "Well it's totally working! Here, hold onto this, I don't think I'll find it again if I put it back in my hat,"



When they reached the woods, they were finally permitted to take off their gas masks and breath through normal air. But the deeper they got into the woods, the more Yume's dress looked less ... green. Soon it wasn't green at all! It was a shining white!

"Whoa, Tomato. Did you change outfits or something?" said Subaru

And, the deeper they got into the woods, the spookier it got.

"Is it still morning?" Yume asked

"I think so," Subaru replied "It's a lot ... darker then I remember,"

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