A Wii Full Of Memories

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"This is Jungkook, he's my," He paused, "friend." I understood my name but that was it.

The blond dragged Y/n away giving him a scolding in English while the brunette  grabbed my arm pulling me off the counter.

"It's ok, I don't understand much English either." He said smiling. "I'm Youngjae."

"I'm Jungkook." I said introducing myself. The other one and Y/n reappeared and Y/n was looking extremely guilty.

"He hasn't been taking it." He said to Youngjae. Youngjae's eyes narrowed as he looked at Y/n. 

"We gave the money so you could take it."

"Turns out he never even paid for it. He gave it back. That was why there was money in that envelope." The blond rolled his eyes. He finally realized that I was there. "Hi, I'm Mark. Y/n's brother from another mother." He said with a thick american accent, similar to Y/n's subtle accent actually. 

"He means that figuratively." Y/n muttered mutinously. 

"You, young man, have no rights to talk back. For all you know I could be." Mark said scolding him still. 








"Bye Y/n-ah! Bye Jungkook-ah!" Youngjae yelled from the door as we walked into the darkness only illuminated by scattered street lamps an the occasional car.

"When are you going to tell him?" I heard Youngjae whisper.

"I don't know." Mark's tired voice responded.





Y/n opened the rusty door, "Home sweet home." He said sarcastically. I looked around. It was a basic one bedroom apartment. But it looked like it had been abandoned then some one threw white paint at the wall and put it up for rent. "It sucks I know but it's cheap." He flopped on the bed. "I'm tired, you can go home or play on the Wii I guess. I don't really care." He said quietly. I didn't want to go home just yet so after I checked if he was asleep I turned on the small tv and the Wii. Y/n had Mario Kart in already. I chuckled, I bet he was beast at Mario Kart. I clicked on the photos and was surprised to see a much younger Y/n smiling with a very pretty woman. His mother I guess. I looked through the photos, most of them were pictures of Y/n smiling, scowling, or posing with animals. A video popped up and I clicked on it feeling curious.

[ An older American woman with red hair holds a little version of Y/n on her lap. 
"Aren't you going to sing your song Y/n?" A woman's voice from behind the camera asks.

"You are my sunshine, my only sunshine." The older woman sang in English and Y/n stumbled along. "You make me happy, when skies are grey." Y/n howled a bit on the end of happy. "You'll never know dear, how much I love you." The woman tickled Y/n and he giggled, "So please don't take my sunshine away."]

-No One's Pov-

Jungkook smiled a little even though he didn't understand the English. He quickly clicked on another video. 

[ "Y/n, Y/n-ah." The same woman's voice says. Another little Y/n turns around, his once pale skin is now covered in Nutella. "Y/n-ah, are you a mess?" 3 year old Y/n shakes his head defiantly. "Sweetie it's all over your hands. Y/n-ah what did I tell you about the Nutella?" He points at a black cat with a white chest walking by.


"It's Apollo's fault?" The camera follows the cat. "Apollo, did you get into the Nutella and spread it all over Y/n?" 

Apollo only meowed.]

Jungkook chuckled as he watched little Y/n blame his cat. 

[This video shows 6 year old Y/n sitting at a piano on stage. He's biting the insides of his mouth and its clear to everyone that the poor kid its scared to his wits end. "And now, Lee Y/n playing his own unique piece, Euphoria." Y/n takes a deep breath and starts to play.]

Everybody, including Jungkook's mouth dropped. It was a beautiful sound with talent one might not expect to come from a 6 year old. 

[The song ends. Y/n awkwardly bows and scurries off stage.]

[In this video, 4 year old Y/n is crying. "What did you do bean?" Y/n's mother asks. Y/n looks up and his face is covered in scratches. 

"I wanted to help him mommy."

"Help who bean?"

"The kitty." Y/n points over to an angry looking calico cat. "I wanted to help Jill." The camera is set down and Y/n's mom goes over and places band-aids on his face.]

Jungkook starts to inwardly squeal because he's just so cute.

["We'll help her later ok? Lets go home and feed Apollo." Y/n nods.]

The rest of the photos are pictures of Y/n at ages 3 through 8 holding, petting, feeding, and playing with various cats. Then last two photos broke Jungkook's heart. 

9 year old Y/n was standing next to a hospital bed on which laid a woman that was barely recognizable as his mother. She was all hooked up to tube and wires and he was looking tired and stressed. 

Jungkook's head looked to the left as he heard the bed creak. "A Wii full of memories isn't it?" Y/n asked. Jungkook nodded surprised that he had woken up. "That's the SD Card from my mother's only camera, my mom always said that the camera was the only gift my father ever gave her. Besides me she said." Y/n buried his face in his hands.

"And now look. If she could see me now," He looked up, "She would have thought that a camera was better gift than a son who can't look at the world without seeing death at every corner."

So tell me it isn't just me but when ever I go to edit this there are two blue lines over two random words and if I delete the word, retype it, its black again. But two other random words pop up as blue. Wth is up with Wattpad like sheesh.

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