Chapter 13(A tie and Break-up)

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If your Filippino you will  understand the show. My tv has statics because there is something wrong. This is the final chapter the sequel to this   will be made in 2019 or september 5,2018.

Anyways enjoy the story and the last chapter

Peridot's pov:
I closed my eyes then opened. We stopped running and catched our breath "It's a tie!"The coach said "What?!"My dad said angrily there was a video and it showed us toghter in the finish line. "GI ATAY ANI OI(WELL FUCK THIS)!"One of the crowd members shouted. "Again!"My father said "There too tired"The coach said.

My dad growled "Your still going to the school whenever you like it or not I own you jr!"My dad shouted at me. "Hey it's a tie that means I have a choice and your a retarted dick"I said to my father I left but he grabbed Lapis and pulled a gun and placed it on her head. The crowd gasped.

"If you dont go to the military school I will kill your lover!"My dad said. I was shocked I looked at Blueshard "Why would he allow this doesnt he care for his sister at all?"I thought. I look at Lapis she shook her head.

"Dont do it Peridot he wont do it because there is too many people here!"Lapis said. He was about to pull the triger. I gotta think fast "No!"I said and slappes the gun away from him. He growled and punched me I fell and he pounced at me again beating me up Blueshard kicked him.

"You do not hurt my sister!"Blueshard said punching him. A guy stopped them he was holding a contract"Are you Peridot jr?"He asked I nodded. He showed me the contract my eyes widen. It was the contract I signed when I was 15 years old. (Btw their 17)
"You tricked me you said I got a running scholarship at Mountain high university!"I shouted at my father who laughed evily.

"Oh peridot you were tricked"He said smiling evily.

Flashback 2 years earlier

"Sign here son"The guy said handing me the pen. I smiled at the paper and wrote my signature.

End of flashback

"No!"I said as my father smiled evily and grabbed me "Yes now break up with your girlfriend"My father said. I sighed sadly and went to Lapis"Peridot what is happening?"Lapis asked.

"Im breaking up with you I accidentally signed a deal when I was 15 years old"I said. "No...please tell me it's not true"She said tears falling out of her eyes. "It's true goodbye Lapis"I said hugging her she hugged back. I went into the car. Lapis followed the car "I'll miss you"She said. We both cried she followed the car to the right. the car "Move faster"My dad said to the driver and Lapis was nowhere in sight.

"Im so glad you signed there place is so fun im sure you'll have fun there right Peridot?"My dad asked me.

But I ignored him and all I did is stared out the window.

A/n: this is the end of the story anyways the sequel to this will be made in September 5 or 9 or 2019. Anyways bye

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