twenty six

57 5 1

I pace in the waiting room for a long time before I take my phone out and head outside. I scroll through the contacts and decide the most important one is his mom.

I call her, and wait for her to pick up.

"Courtney? It's nearly 9:00, is every alright?" She's so worried that it hurts more to have to tell her.

"I'm at the hospital right now. Ross was shot by these guys-"


"-We were just driving around, and we got on this back road. There was this field that the back road cut through so we stopped and sat in the field to watch the sunset-"

Stormie is already crying on the other end, and it's making it all the harder to tell her. I swallow hard and continue, but my voice is shaking now.

"And when we came back these guys were waiting for us and demanded money- Ross hit one of them and the guy pulled a gun on him- and now we're here-" Tears well up in my eyes as I remember what's happened up to this point in the last two hours.

"Is he going to be okay? I can be over there in twenty minutes," Stormie's words are quivering from her weeping. I have no idea if he'll be okay, but I've already traumatized her enough.

"I- yeah, he'll be fine." I rub the back of my neck and look out at the streetlamp-lit parking lot.

When I drop my arm, I notice something there I hadn't before.


"I have to go." I mutter quickly and hang up, then stumble back inside to the bathroom.

My breath picks up when I see the blood on my arms and top. Maybe it's not a lot, but it stands out too ominously against my skin and white shirt.

I start to cry again as I scrub at his blood in urgent haste. I try to wash away the blood on my shirt, but it's the only blood that remains as a stain.

I sit back against the wall and slip down to the tiled floor. I cover my mouth with my hands to quiet myself.

The idea of really losing him has me by the throat, and the only things escaping are quiet sobs.

I spend a good half hour there before finally pulling myself together and staggering out of the bathroom.

His parents are sitting together, hands intertwined, talking softly to each other. I sit beside them, not bothering to greet them. I don't have the strength to open my mouth.


The hospital room smells of cleaning products and sterilized death. The white walls make the room seem bigger than it is, but it still feels cage-like. Even though all I can think and fear of is death, the heart monitor in the corner of the room beeps steadily.

The doctor had promised me and his parents he would be fine.

"We did have to give him a blood transfusion," The doctor explained. "He'll be exhausted, but he will recover."

I brush the tips of my fingers over his hand.

"The anaesthesia will wear off in a while. Until then, I suggest you all go home and get some rest."

Stormie and Mark had left an hour after we had spoken the doctor, but I stayed. I convinced them I would leave soon, but I had no intention to.

I just need to see him alive, even if he's asleep at the moment.

There's still dirt on the side of his face from where he had lie on the ground. I gently try to dust it off, then take his hand in mine again.

"I love you," I whisper to him. "I don't know what I would do without you."

He doesn't answer, but I guess I don't know what I was expecting.

He looks so calm and relaxed, as if he's let his guard down for once. The serenity brings youthfulness with it, and here I am again reminiscing our youth.


I start to nod off around two AM. He's still asleep, so I decide to just make myself comfortable in one of the chairs sitting in the room. I move the chair over to his bedside and try to find a good position to sleep in.

My eyelids start to droop when I suddenly hear the sheets moving from the bed.

He shifts slowly and with some difficulty then opens his eyes sleepily.

"Ross?" I whisper and sit up slightly.


"Yeah, hey, how are you feeling?" I awaken fully and take his hand hopefully. 

"Like hell," He answers and scowls when he tries to sit up too. He gives up and turns his head to look at me. "How are you?"

"I'm fine, don't worry about me. Listen, tomorrow you're probably going to be asked about what happened, and I've already told two people this-" I paint the cover story for him and he nods in agreement. 

Once I've cleared that with him we fall into an uneasy silence. There are so many things we can say, but we're too afraid of worrying each other. 

He slips his hand out of mine and moves it up to the back of my neck, then gently pulls me forward and kisses me. 

When we finally part, I rest my hand on the side of his face and smile lightly.

"I love you," He murmurs and places his hand over mine. 


so originally this was supposed to have two scenes in it but since i feel satisfied with the length of the chapter i'm gonna write another lol

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