twenty five

56 6 0

Ross had finished his runs in the last two weeks.

Those nights had been scarier for the both of us, because we both feared the end of his connection with Clovis.

And now, it was finally here. The last time they would meet.

Ross grabs his leather jacket as he heads for the door. He stops on his way to snake his arms around my waist and kiss me. I loop my arms around his neck and smile softly at him.

Something had clicked in those last two weeks, like we'd become our younger, loving selves again.

"I'll be back soon," He promises, but I shake my head. 

"We'll be back soon. I'm going with you." I correct him. He rolls his eyes. 

We'd been having this argument off and on for the past two weeks.

He wanted me to stay home so I would be safe, but I didn't want him to go alone in fear of his safety.

"Please? I'll stay in the car," I offer hopefully and thread my fingers through the hair at the back of his neck.

"Fine. But you stay in the car," He raises his eyebrows at me.

"I stay in the car," I concur and kiss him one more time. I slip my cardigan on before we head out.


Ross messes with a zipper on his jacket as we wait for Clovis and company to show up. We had pulled over on a back road to meet the others. I watch the sun sinking in the pink sky in front of us. 

His eyes shift to the rear view mirror and he turns around to look at the road behind us. The sun has finally disappeared by now.

"He's here," He announces to me and gets out of the car. "Stay inside." He closes the door and waits outside as the car stops behind mine.

I listen to doors opening and closing and quickly glimpse back. Clovis is a couple feet from Ross. Judas and two others standing behind him. 

"So, what did you need to speak to me about?" Ross asks Clovis sharply. 

"I need to remind you of our deal that you speak to no one of our relation and my business."

"I know that already-"

"And I need you one more time." Clovis finishes.

"What? No, I agreed to three deliveries. I'm done." Ross' temper skyrockets suddenly. 

"One more," Clovis pleads. "I've got the supplies in my car, it's just in the next town-"

"I said no." 

Heavy silence follows as Clovis wrestles with his own rage towards Ross.

"That's a pretty risky decision, do you know how easily I could ruin your life?" Clovis laughs. His knuckles are clenched tightly at his sides.

Ross lunges at him and punches him. I unlock my door and hold my hand over the handle. 

Clovis stumbles back and reaches under his jacket. In one swift motion, he produces a gun, aiming it straight at Ross' chest. 

My breath catches when I see the weapon. 

"Maybe you'd like to rethink your decision?" Clovis inquires and switches off the safety on the gun. 

"May I recall the last time you tried to get me to stay?" Ross scoffs at him.

I watch them in silent terror and notice something in Clovis' eyes darken. He lowers his gun a bit and I start to unwind-

An abrupt gunshot slices through the night air.

Ross crumples to the ground suddenly with a string of profanities.

He presses his hand to his lower side and I finally get out of the car. I rush towards him and kneel down beside him.

Blood is already blooming across his shirt under his palm. Ross grits his teeth and glares up at Clovis.

"You son of a bitch." He hisses through a strained voice.

Clovis pulls up his shirt just enough to reveal a scar over the side of his stomach.

"An eye for an eye, yeah?"

That's when the puzzle pieces fit themselves together.

Ross didn't kill someone, but he had shot Clovis the night he tried to leave.

And Clovis had just avenged himself by giving Ross a matching scar.

Clovis looks over his shoulder at his companions.

"Let's bounce," He orders them.

Within minutes, they're in his car and gone. We're alone out here.

"Ross?" I look down at him. His face is twisted up in pain. I take off my cardigan and bunch it up.

"Move your hand," I direct him. He groans in response and doesn't move.

I inhale sharply and pull his bloodied hand away. He cringes and I quickly press my cardigan over the wound.

"Hold that." He nods slowly, his jaw tensed. I look down at the blood on my hand from his and shake away the shock. I wipe off my hand on my shirt and take my phone out to call for an ambulance.

As I talk to the dispatcher on the line, I watch Ross carefully.

He gradually curls up and hugs the sweater over his stomach. I get off the phone and sigh.

"Ross, I need you to stand up."

"God, no." He mumbles under his breath.

"I need to bring you to the gas station we passed on the way here. It's about five minutes away. The paramedics will be there."

"Can't." He whispers and shakes his head.

"I'm not taking no for an answer." I threaten, then stand up and open the back car door closest to us.

"You're gonna have to help me, here." I say and he shakes his head again.

I put my arm around him and gently lift him. He does his best to sit as I pull him up.

I help him stand, then have him shift his weight on me as we take slow steps towards the car. I have my arm around his waist, holding my hand over his and the sweater. His other arm is wrapped tightly around my shoulders for support.

He grimaces as I sit him down in the back, then close the door.

I get in the car and check on him through the rear mirror. 

His head is rested back on the seat and his breathing sounds shallow and slow. 

I get back on the road then floor it and we make it to the gas station in three minutes.

Thankfully, the ambulance is arriving at the same time. I park and scramble out of the car and wave over the paramedics.

I watch helplessly as they pull Ross out of my car and onto a gurney.

One of the medics approaches me.

"Would you mind summarizing what happened?"

"I don't know- we were walking to my car from the field down the road and these guys just came up to us and shot him before either of us knew what was happening-" The lie slips out so easily that even I nearly believe it.

The medic sees the others getting ready to leave.

"Can you make it to the hospital by tomorrow to make a statement about the incident?" I nod quickly and she pats my shoulder, then runs back to the ambulance, getting in and closing the doors behind her.

The ambulance takes off, sirens wailing as it roars down the road.

My eyes blur with tears and my breath grows uneven.

He can't die.

Not now.

Not for real.

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