"...I cant believe what you say to be truth." He finishes.

"Griffin I'm sorry, you have to believe that I truly am. Please." She touches his arm, and he backs away from the touch like it had burnt him physically.

Griffin almost breaks the handle on the car getting himself out, he breaks into a light jog away from the car and down the road. Looking in the front, she sees that he took the keys with him. Before he gets any further, Dallas gets out and takes off after him.

They're both upset, she knows it. He shows it and she caused it. If she had just told him...maybe things would be different. He had a rough background with his parents, she just thought that he'd be upset if she wanted to find hers.

"Griffin! Please just, come back." Dallas sees him turn down an alleyway. It's almost pitch black outside so it's harder to see where she's stepping.

"I'm sorry, please you just don't understand. Let me explain."

"Understand?" Griffin stops a few feet ahead of her, he's turned his front to her. His chest heaves and his eyes burn.

"I've understood you Dallas, for years! I don't understand? Maybe you're right. I'm just havin' a hard time believin' you'd lie to me about somethin' like this, really, if you'da just told me." He screams, and it echoes off the leaking bricks walls around them.

"I didn't know how you would react, I was afraid." She tells him, trying to get him to just understand why.

"If It were me, and my Ma or Pa wanted to meet me, I'da told you. You know I would, but...you just don't trust me or something, is that it?" His breath fogs up the air so fast it looks like smog.

"Of course I trust you, I always have. This was just, way too personal for me Griff. I just have such a hard time comprehending everything, and I-I don't know what to do with myself. Yes, I drove us here because I knew, I knew he was here. And yes, I kept that secret from you. Yes, I lied about just passing through. That's my fault, it is." Dallas breathes, "I'm sorry."

She wants to take that extra step towards him, and just hug her best friend. To have that comfort that everything was okay, and that she hadn't completely ruined things between them. That they were still Dallas and Griffin, the Midnight Two. If she'd have just told him the truth it wouldn't have ended them up here, tonight in a dark, wet, alley where shadows lurked around them but at the same time felt as though a special spot light had been placed on them by the fighting.

He wasn't saying anything, and he probably wouldn't. Dallas knew he had the ability to get over this, and she also knows that Griffin doesn't take too well to liars. This was the first time she'd ever lied to him.

She remembered how he was like back in the hospital after Cooper died. He'd really been angry, he was grief stricken yes, but he's always had a mean temper. Being on the receiving end of this anger and hurt, well it was a whole other self disappointing feeling she had. Disappointed for being the one to cause it, and to be on the opposite end of it and not helping control it.

"I don't like liars." Griffin sighs, he rubs his fingers over his eyes tiredly.

She steps forward, he doesn't back away which is nice, "I'm sorry."

Griffin inhales again. He opens his mouth to speak again, maybe an acceptance or something to let her know everything would be okay. That their friendship was still intact, that lying wouldn't be a dealbreaker. She had a reason, but aren't most reasons just excuses anyway? Then something creeps out of the shadows. A clicking sound is heard, he's behind Griffin, she sees a hooded figure with their faces covered, a weapon pointed at them.

"Give me all you got!" The person shouts violently.

Dallas pulls Griffin by his jacket and now he's by her side, shocked as she is. They raise their hands in defense.

"Give me your money, now!" They shout again, stepping closer with their weapon still aiming between the two of them.

She pats herself down, her wallet didn't have much but twenty dollars in it now, slowly to not alarm this person, Dallas pulls it out and hands it out to him, tentatively stepping forward. Griffin has no money on him, he never does.

Her eyes are trained on the dark silhouettes of the antagonist, "H-Here, it's all we got."

The person snatches it from her hand, she steps back fast as they check the inside of the wallet. Her heart has risen up into her throat now, pumping blood through her ears.

"Twenty bucks? Guess I should've expected this from lowlife kids." They say with a ugly snark.

"Please, we don't mean any harm mister. We'd jus' like to leave now." Griffin pleads, he sounds even more frail and scared than earlier.

The person scoffs, the wallet lands on the floor pathetically and the weapon is aimed more carefully this time.

A loud bang ricochets off the walls.

"I don't think so."

Midnight Racer-Tony Stark's DaughterWhere stories live. Discover now