Chapter 13: Not in love with you.

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Well well, someone's in denial. Can any of you guess who? Do you think, she'll admit? We'll see, just keep reading. I own none of this except Corbin, so check out the original makers of the material and go support them.

 *Scratch, Scratch*

Was all that could be heard, as Corbin uses a knife of hers on a small block of wood she has; but right now she could hardly concentrate on it, heck she half- forgotten what she carving!

' Was it a horse, a bear, or a cat? Stupid! Stupid! Stupid!'

Corbin continues to furiously scratch the wood, wood chips and shaving falling to the ground in a small pile. Corbin takes a deep breathe and slowly exhales, going back to the nearly flat piece of wood.


She sighs heavily at this, knowing she would be unable to carve any figures; Corbin decides to instead carve an image into it. Corbin turns her knife to the side to more efficiently carve the desired designs.

'Now, what can I put in this piece of wood?'

Corbin pondered to herself, but just as she about to come to a conclusion, she stopped at the sound of boots that echoed through the abandoned factory.

'Dammit he's back! Nope! I'm not dealing with this right now.'

 Not wanting to face him right now; Corbin put her tool and wood down then, she went to her nest. Quickly, she curled up as if asleep and slowed her breathing down. The Creeper looks at the 'sleeping' female, a flower grasped in one hand. The Creeper didn't quite understand what was up with Corbin, who seemed to deliberately go out of her way to make sure she avoids him.

' Did she not like that kiss? Was I being too forward? I mean, she did return it and she seemed to like it. Maybe she regrets it and I'm disgusting by the human standards she views through..'

The Creeper pondered to himself. Either way, it didn't stop him from approaching her nest. He gazed at Corbin's back, which her wings were in view and tucked in tightly; her sides were slightly rising and falling slowly with each breathe she took; and her hair was pooled on her left side in a black puddle. 

Corbin struggles with herself to keep up her act, as to not face the creature while willing her body to relax. The Creeper saw the slight taut in her biceps and the slight movement of her tail. These would probably be brushed off as nothing, but the Creeper knew better otherwise. He sighs and then crouches down to put the flower gently on a blanket in her nest. The Creeper does look up as he did so, still in a crouching position with his hands on his knees.

Corbin waited to see what he was planning to do, when she can practically FEEL his hand hovering over her head. The Creeper was about to stoke the raven locks of the sleeping female, but stop an inch above her head. Though he wants to feel those pleasingly soft tresses running through his claws , while twirling them with his finger as he takes in that oh so tempting aroma that she smells of.

But sadly no... he couldn't.

' I mustn't make things worse than they are, besides she probably would feel discomfort from it.'

He instead retracts his hand. He decided that maybe some hunting will help clear his mind. With one last forlorn look at Corbin, he turns to leave after grabbing a knife. The sound of boot steps dissipating as well as his comforting earthy smell, from what Corbin's senses tell her. 

' What's the matter with me? Avoiding my problems as if I'm a child caught stealing.' 

That's not all though: Corbin did kinda felt disappointed not to feel those strong calloused hands brushing through her scalp or saying anything.  Was she regretful for what she was doing?

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