Chapter 9: On the Right Track (Rewritten)

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Welcome to another installment of What is this Feeling or WTF for shorthand! Yes, I sorta knew what I thought when I named it that! Not really, hehehe. So anyways, is anyone excited for the Jeepers Creepers: Reborn? I know I am! Maybe won't be as good as the original, but you have to give credit for changing directors at least, and who knows, maybe it'll be a fun popcorn movie at least. Now on with the show! 

Corbin swiftly flies back to the last campsite she finished hunting and pick up where she left off. The inhuman female approaches a middle age man whose throat she ripped out. A few ravens of hers are pecking at the man's open throat, greedily gobbling up the still-warm flesh. 

"Shoo shoo."

Corbin gently pushes them away from her catch, much to one raven's dismay, who gives a croak in complaint but complies. 

"Don't worry. I'll feed you some later if you like."

She assures which seems to pacify the raven and begins to preen its feathers. The dark woman crouches in front of the dead man, observing how his blank grey eyes stare up at his killer with an unnatural cloudy look that sets in after death. Corbin closes the man's eyes before she zips his sleeping bag closed. She then hauls both him and his other two companions on her shoulders before returning to the Creeper's truck, with some of her unkindness following her. 

While she denies feeling any sense of accomplishment from hunting and slaughtering groups of humans, Corbin can't help but look forward to lying down for a while with a full belly. A luxury she can't or won't always afford, but one she'll indulge in to savor her victory over the other male. She's eager to see his stupid charming smirk fall whe-

'Wait, charming? More like slimy. What am I thinking?'

Corbin shakes her head, hoping to clear it of that thought before another enters. This one not being hers, though. However, she has no need to fear when recognizing the familiar presence that's been with her for as long as she can recall. 

'Mistress, may I speak? This may make your interest peak.'

'Va, my old friend, proceed. What news you bring me?' 

A couple of miles away, Beowulf is perching near the hiding place of a young teen named Charlie, who's trying not to hurl as he watches the Creeper devouring his father's innards. The young boy and Corvid are close enough to hear the moist, squelching noises of the Creeper pulling out and chewing on the older man's intestines. The man cannot do anything besides occasionally twitching while the color leaves his face, leaving a grayish pigmentation. 

Just as a witness of a plane crash would, Charlie is too unable to tear away his gaze from the grotesque scene and unable to move his feet. They may as well have been stuck in dried cement as the Creeper's gaze looks up from his father's remains to him. The monster bears his teeth with sadistic glee as he takes the time to lick away some of the gore on his teeth, seemingly savoring the taste of his recent meal. Still, the teen could not, or rather, would not run even as the Creeper takes a leisurely step towards him. Charlie stumbles backward, seeing the monster's third nostril flaring widely with his head raised, taking in the teen's potent fear. Charlie would've probably met an end just as gruesome as his father on the spot if it weren't for his mother appearing seemingly out of nowhere.

Corbin watches through Beowulf as the older woman grabs her son's arm and then takes off running from the Creeper, not daring to look back. The latter only gives a barely perceptible huff and then takes a breath to gather himself. He then walks in the direction the parent and child run off, glancing up briefly toward Beowulf's exact position to give a suspicious glare before continuing his hunt. The Creeper finds himself too occupied with stalking down his prey to notice the same Corvid trailing him. 

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