Chapter 8

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(Reapers POV)

I tapped my foot impatiently Error told me he would explain why HE was hear his guards shouldn't have stopped me i had him i was so Close But the look he gave me before it almost seemed like he cared... i shook my head dont be ridiculous Reaper Hes playing with your mind I growled in frustration "Sorry to keep you waiting Reaper." walked in Error swiftly shutting the door "Why did you stop me?" i spat he held his hands up for me to calm down "i had to do you know how weird that would look the "King" on the north dies suddenly when he comes for a visit That would be counted as murder" he replied I rolled my eyes but i got his view "Why was he hear anyways in the first place?" He smirked "I need trust" i tilted my head waiting for him to go on he now grinned at me "Oh reaper if you only new all the plans I had in store" he motioned me to follow him.

We walked down a corridor that is heavily guarded "You asked me before How i brought you back correct?" i nodded "Well each kingdom has its Strengths the East being agriculture,South being Minerals and precious items.North im not a 100% sure youve never told anyone and no ones clued in to it he looked at me for a minuet thinking i would answer but when i didnt he kept going Well The west works on medicine." he said "huh?"  He grinned "Ill just show you" he opend some steel doors guarded by two heavily armed guards and as soon as we stepped in the smell of chemicals flooded my nose making my eyes water "Youll get used to it." i nodded pulling my shirt up over my nose (Just go with it XD) the room was massive and workers where everywhere working hard I quickened my step to keep up with his strides "We usually work on healing remedies most of the time how ever We have bin developing something New." he led me to where this room which had glass and no door however inside there was some how a rather large bug trying feebly to escape its glass enclosure I looked at him quizzically "Just watch luckily we came right at testing" he nodded to some people in white coats and they pulled a switch.

I watched the room start to fill up with grey smoke making it appear to be fog The insect started flying rapidly around before its movements became sluggish until it stopped all together. My mouth hung open Error grinned at me "Poison gas,this is just the beginning once we make it stronger then we will be doing alot more then just killing bugs.

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