Chapter 2

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(Genos POV)

I watched goth Run around the Grassy area outside I finally got a break for once and goth wanted to spend time with me I smiled sitting criss crossed on the Grass I heard footsteps approach "King Geno A letter has arrived from the East" said a Guard curtly I thanked him and took the slip of paper 

Dear King Geno of the North,

A meeting shall be held at First light tomorrow with the two other kingdoms its a requirement to attend and is of great importance Do not be late.

Sincerely,King cross and Dream.

"Dad whats that" said goth taking deep breaths from all the running around "oh don't worry its nothing Ill send  a servant out side to watch you I must go" "aw so soon" said goth With a disappointed look I patted his head "Sorry Goth but its important We will get to spend time with each other soon" i called over my shoulder and i heard him faintly say "you always say that" I felt extremely bad but running a kingdom by your self is not easy.

The carriage came to a halt and I jolted up Rubbing my tired eye sockets I must have fallen asleep I groggily stepped out the carriage nodding at The Driver stepping in the Glass Building Torch light filled the room i stepped in and the attention of the Kings and Queen was now Drawn on me Dream smiled Error Nodded and Cross just watched me I took my place  Error to my left Dream and cross to my right and the new Queen apposed for the Souths across from me I sat stiffly on the chair last time i was hear it was Reaper who took this place while i stood silently at his side Now a nameless servant had taken my place.

 "Okay down to businesses now." spoke Cross folding his hands neatly together on the table he looked dead serious "Rumor has it that a new threats arriving soon" my eyes widen "Really??!" he nodded at me "The Easts border guards groups have bin shown up dead usually only one survivor left to tell the tale all the descriptions the same" "What will we do??" said The Queen from South" Cross shook his head "where not sure We wanted to know if the same occurrence has happens to you?" "Now that i think about it yeah actually only once though i thought it was bandits" said the Queen obviously lost in thoughts.

 Dream piped in "From now on we shall send Report checks Each Week to see if any of us have seen something unusual It will go in a circle all the same paper starting with "North,East,South and lastly West And shall Repeat each person who sends it will have it for a week then send it to the kingdom over alright?" I nodded My hands shaking slightly as memories from the last Threat that happens I snapped out of my thoughts when A hand fell on my shoulder "are you alright?" i nodded Noticing a tear slipped out I wiped it away making off as just rubbing my eye socket. "Alright it is done King Geno I expect to receive it By a weeks time?" i nodded grabbing the scroll he now handed to me.

I gripped the paper roll to my chest My mind going a mile a minuet what if its like last time I don't think i can handle anymore deaths Oh my gosh I'am a terrible King My mind lingered on the last thought realizing this must have bin how Reaper felt at the time being all alone to rule No one to reassure him but at least i have Goth but.. it must have bin worse for him I then sighed now determined to be the best ruler i can be.

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