Chapter 18

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(Reapers POV)

Our ship came to the harbor and almost instantly Geno Jumped off "hey whats the rush i asked him"

He looked panicked but turned to me 'Reaper can you do some huge favors for me?" i nodded confused "while where in town can you pick up some bread from that stall that i adore and if you really want me to" he huffed rolling his eyes "Ask mettaton to make a dress..... But you have to help them design it alright! also do some thing on this list to please" i smirked "glad to hear you decided on my request but why do you want me to go get that stuff cant a servant do it?" he shook his head 'because its better if you do it" i sighed 'Fine" he kissed me quickly "i have to do some things ill be back!" he called over his shoulder running in a direction I shook my head puzzled in why hes in a rush "Servant?" i said instantly one who joined us on the ship came "bring me my cloak please" they nodded hurrying off.

I strolled through the city seeing the people bustle around ladys gossiped to each other out side of bars others worked away lifting grains on to wagons I headed to the market and found the stall i was looking for.

"Hello fresh" the skeleton turned to see me and smiled broadly "Greetings my king" he bowed i nodded "A couple of fresh loafs please" Fresh nodded "Im honerd that you choose my stall sir but why im sure theirs finer breads?" i almost laughed but i suppressed it 'bread is bread ,Fresh it all tastes the same" he gasped and looked about ready to give me a lecture on his extensive Bread knowledge But he chose other wise and simply handed me the loafs and bowed again waving me off.

I strolled through the city enjoying it all I stopped out side of Mettaons boutique entering the building the doors bell dinged when the door shut "hello and how may i help you- Oh King Reaper?! how lovely it is to see you" they curtsied and quickly walked over i nodded smiling "mettaton how well can you do wedding dresses?" they gasped and jumped "IS IT FOR?" i nodded they squealed "Oh my gosh! i would be honers to design a wedding dress!" i smiled at there excitement "So what are your thoughts??" mettaton asked pulling out a paper and something to sketch with "Well something red  and white" they nodded and started writing down my words "Definitely with roses" they gaped "i got the most perfect idea! ill being to work on it imidiently but you must not see it its bad luck!" mettaton said shooing me out the door before i coudl say anything else.

I was left out side shocked but laughed and shrugged it off "Wonder what Genos doing?"

(genos POV)

"sO GeNo Do YoU aGrRee To My DeAl?" Error spoke a evil grin on his face I breathed a sigh terrified to say no I grudgingly nodded my head Error clicked his fingers and brought out a struggling Goth who instantly ran to me after he squirmed his way from the guards I hugged the small child tightly he only had minor injury but I was furious "Oh AnD iF yOu tHiNk yOu cAn dOuBlE cRoSs Me WHiLe yOu wHeRe AwAy I SeNt SolDiers tO YoR place WitH My nEw WEapoN To PlAnT It tHrOugH oUt yOuR prEcIoUs CiTy and CaStLe ThEy hAvE a TiMeR oN thEm SeT tO gO OFf at aNytIme WhEn oUr DeAl iS dOnE iLl TelL YoU How tO sToP tHeM IF yoU dOuBlE cRoSs Me WeLl JuSt To GiVe yOu a hEaDs uP yOu gEt a LOng lOnG sLEep. He said maniacally I shiverd "Your evil error" he smirked "tHaNk YoU" 'NOw GEnO i exPeCt yOu to HoLd yoUr eNd of tHe bArRgInE rEmEbEr tWo dAyS tImE tHe ClOcK iS tIckiNg" he said flipping over the hourglass I looked back at the Evil king holding goth tightly I nodded and hurriedly headed out of this wretched place Back to what i thought was safety but not anymore. We walked to my horse Goth shivers "Dad i-" i kneeled down "Shhh Its okay goth But you got to promise me Your father must never know about this okay?" goth had tears in his eyes but nodded i wiped his eyes for him and hoisted him on to the horse before lifting my self up "Will you tell father?" Goth asked his eye sockets wide "I will eventually sweetie but for now he must not know or something bad will really happen" Goth buried his face in my chest hugging me for dear life the poor kid must be terrified.. i thought sadly Longing to be back with Reaper we set back home.

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