28 - Blank Stares and Full Lips

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In this war with you
I have seen
You broken in ways
That makes it
It impossible to believe
You could ever be whole
I did that to you
I was the cause of those blank stares
And the bullet word
Aimed to kill or wound
In order to save and protect yourself

The struggle inside
The war inside you
Was enough to strip your soul of a heart
And your heart of a soul
It turned love
Into the bitter brew
All because of my careless words
And full lips

These lips
Spat at you
Daggers meant to hit
Bullets meant to kill
Shocks meant to scar
These lips
Were meant for
Your love and kisses
But became a poison to your soul
And in them
Lived your destruction
Meant to strip you of love
Unable to love again
In these lips, I won something
A war not worth fighting
And yet I gave into it
To beat you

This love once so sweet
A sour reminder
Of the lies the war in us
Tells us in order to

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