25 - Two Lies on a Sunday

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Two Lies on a Sunday
Was all it took for me to leave
Two lies in the heat of a battle
Or the war
I cannot say
But it was two lies that drove me away

Lie number one
I don't love you
Words meant to wound
Killed me
Ate at me
Until I saw the truth
Your words did what you meant them to do
They broke another part of me

That Sunday
You told me two
Lie number one
Meant to wound
Lie number two meant to destroy
In them, I became less of me and more of this soul
Half alive
Barely breathing

Lie number two
Was so dark
It eats at me daily
Until I can think no more
You said I don't love you
And that you never did

What was a lie
The love we shared
Or the Sunday
Words you spoke
I choose to believe that
That day you told two lies
And destroyed our truth

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