24 - Rewriting the End

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Do you find yourself
Rewriting the end
Of a story that ended in flames
That meant no more
Of the two souls that lived within it

Do you find yourself breathing
And yet it feels like half a breath
Like the lungs, you have no longer work
Because the soul
That was half of you
Was part of me, too
I was half of me
With you and now I am half of me
Without you

I find myself wanting
Something to change
A day,
The word,
Anything just so the you
That was part of me
And the me that was part of you
Stop the war inside of me
The ache released
The words removed
A bond broken
But not burnt to ash
Parting of those two
Not the victims of the war
We started but
Of a love

I wish to rewrite it so badly
I wish I could make it all disappear
But in the world, we loved and burnt
What remained was scarred and broken
Battered and abuse
Because in pain and fear we did
To ourselves
And carved it out in stone
That our ending was in hate
The love we had thrown to the fire

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