Chapter 6

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"Gosh fucking dammit, pick up the damn phone!" I yelled in frustration. The party was over and people had left. I couldn't find Hanji anywhere. I went outside to look for the car, but it was gone.

That cheery bitch left me.

I was outside siting in the grass waiting for Hanji to pick up.

Spoiler alert: She never did.

I groaned loudly in frustration. I didn't have a ride home. I could walk, but the problem was I don't know how to get home. The smoke made me tired and a little dizzy.

I heard the front door either open or close, (or both) and heard someone walk down the porch steps. I didn't turn around. I just ran my fingers through my hair in frustration.

I heard the person sigh. "Do you need a ride or some shit?" I knew it was Levi, but I didn't look up at him. I just continued looking in front of me. "I don't know how to get home. That's the problem."


I rolled my eyes. I saw Levi walk to his black car parked across the street. I heard the engine start. I saw it drive away, but then it came back.

"Get in loser," Levi yelled.

"We're going shopping?" I yelled back.

"What the fuck, Brown," he yelled. "Get in the damn car now. You don't really have a choice."

I rolled my eyes and went to the car. I walked to the passenger's seat and buckled myself in. I wasn't going to say thanks to him because there wasn't a reason to.

"Where are we going if I don't know how to get home, genius?" He started driving fast and turned up the radio.

"There is good and bad news," he said glancing at me then back to the road. "Good news is that we don't have school tomorrow. Bad news is that you have to come to my house."

"Why don't we have school tomorrow?" I shouted over the radio. I knew he heard, but he didn't answer. I turned it down and he glared at me for a second.

"We don't have school because I'm not going to school tomorrow. Not after tonight."

"The midget is gonna skip, huh?" I teased. "Such a rebel against humanity."

"Tch. I'm skipping cause I don't care. I assume you can skip because it seems you have parents that don't care."

I nodded and faced the front. Inside my head I saw images of my parents. They were smiling, hugging, kissing, holding hands. They were happy.

But then it was replaced with images of their lifeless body and the people who killed them.

"Autumn? Autumn. AUTUMN!"

I jumped and looked at Levi. "Gosh dammit, what do you want?"

"One, you zoned out while I was saying the rules in my house. Two-"

"-You have fucking rules?"

"-This is my car and I could kick you out any second." I crossed my arms and scoffed. "You're going to have to take a shower when you get to my house. I don't want it smelling like smoke. Also, don't get anything dirty or else you'll deeply regret it."


I was sitting on Levi's couch in an oversized black t-shirt and gray sweatpants. I was sitting "Criss-cross applesauce" reading a book I found lying around.

Levi was taking a shower the last time I checked. He's been in there for about thirty minutes. It was crazy.

His apartment was so neat and clean. There was not a thing out of place and not a speck of dust to be seen. This guy was obviously a clean freak. It was kind of insane.

Friends with Benefits {Modern Day Levi x OC}Where stories live. Discover now