Chapter Twelve - An Attempt To Escape, Part Two

Start from the beginning

I dropped the branch, and gasped. I did it… I REALLY DID IT!!!

A soft smile was spreading across my face.

I quickly ran back to the cabin. I saw the door was wide open, and I quickly ran inside.

But why go back to the same cabin I was trapped in less than an hour ago?

Well, that’s all part of my plan.

I was going back to the cabin to get some rope, a map, a flashlight, and Bolten’s cellphone. I was going to get some rope because I was going to tie Bolten to a tree, so he wouldn’t go looking for me.

I needed a flashlight because the sun was going down, and I needed it to get myself to the closest town possible.

I was going to need Bolten’s cellphone if I was going to call Sheila. I needed to tell her the truth about these crazy kidnappers, and what they really are. Monsters.

I quickly searched in the closetS, and I found a flashlight. I turned it on to test it, and it worked just fine.

I went into a room I think was Bolten’s, and quickly searched his drawers. And I found his cellphone. I smiled, and popped the battery out, and I looked inside. “Aha…” I said, pulling out the detector chip.

I know how they looked like, because Matt would always put them all over my stuff, like my car, my phone, and even my backpack and purse.

He was a paranoid freak that was always suspicious of me cheating. He even made me take a pregnancy test one time after I came back from my friend Ryan’s house late one night.

I shivered, and brushed the thought of Matt out of my head. That bastard is never going to see me again. And neither was Bolten.

I put the chip on the ground, and crushed it with my shoe.

I quickly put the battery and back lid back in, and put the phone in my pocket.

I went down stairs, and searched in all the rooms. And I looked in what seemed to be a supply closet.

There were water bottles, flashlights, and stuff like that.  scanned the room, and quickly grabbed one water bottle.

And then I spotted the rope. I was so happy, I dropped everything and grabbed it. I was in a hurry, and I needed to get back to Bolten before he woke up.

 I quickly headed out the door, and quickly ran back to Bolten.

When I got there, he was still on the ground, naked of course.

I smirked evilly, and chuckled. Lets see who is going to be tied up now, and humiliated.

I got his arms, and dragged him to the closest tree.

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