Chapter 4

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Guess what? Me and Perrie ended up sitting with Sean and his group of friends.

"So Laura, have you seen Eva? " Sean asked while eating his fancy lamb chop with black pepper sauce. Sean always brings fancy food for lunch. While me, I only brought my Ham sandwich with scrambled egg and cheese.

"I saw her when me and Perrie were on our way to here. It seems like she's in trouble again. " I said while taking out my delicious sandwich from my rose gold container. I seriously love rose gold color. Even my water bottle is rose gold. I wonder if-

"Hey guys! I'm sorry I'm late. I just, got into trouble again. " Eva said while sitting down next to with her skateboard on the floor. I wonder what Eva got into trouble again.

"So why were you chased by the school's prefect again? " Perrie asked Eva while eating her salad. Perrie always eats salad during lunch because she wants to keep her body in shape and healthy. And it's also for so Sasha won't get mad at her during their cheerleading practice. I guess that's one of the bad things about being a cheerleader.

"Well, I think Isaiah caught me trying to smoke pot at the girls toile-" before she could even finish her sentence, I stopped her by interrupting her.

"You WHAT?! You? Trying to smoke pot? On the FIRST DAY OF SCHOOL?! " I said loud enough for her to here.

She nods.

"What?! And you're just nodding at me? With a blank expression? " I said a little bit louder this time and hoping for others to not hear me because I don't want to cause any attention on my first day of senior year.

She nods. Again.

"How could you?! You didn't even tell me you were going to try smoking pot! " I said seemingly mad at her for not telling me. I know. I'm kinda dumb for being mad at her for not telling me.

"I knew about it" said Sean while looking at us. Wow. He knew. And I'm not the first she tells but Sean. SEAN.

Me and Perrie just gave her a 'how is he the first person to know about it?!' Look.

"Mehh.. " Eva said while shrugging off to eat her fried chicken. This girl ah..

Eva Beckham. She has shoulder length brunette hair with caramel highlights. Her eyes are light blue and she has a normal body shape.

She loves riding her skateboard. In fact, she brings her galaxy skateboard everywhere she goes. She loves playing the drums and cello. Every once in a week, she performs playing either drums or cello.

She also has an older brother. Zach Beckham. He's in college by now. Studying all them politics and shiz. Their family are lawyers generation by generation. But when Eva grows up, she doesn't want to become a lawyer but a veterinarian.

She really loves and cared for animals. She's a dog type of person. But she's allergic to cats. Will that stop her from her dreams of becoming a veterinarian? Well, I don't know.

Anyways, that's all her good traits. Her bad traits are, she's very open to everything. She loves to try new things and when she tries, she tend to get into trouble. Just like today. She tried smoking pot and look what that make her got into.

After all that fiasco happened, me, Perrie and Eva eat our lunch silently while Sean and his friends started talking with food spilling out from their mouth. Ugh, disgusting.

"Dégoûtant (disgusting)." I said disgustedly.

"I couldn't agree more. " Perrie said. Back in middle school, me and Perrie took French classes. I was the top 1 student in French while Perrie was in top 2. I just hope none of them understand French.

Hhmm.. I wonder what's the new guy doing right now. I took a glance at their table and nothing really surprising tho. All the girls at that table were trying to flirt the guys, mostly Asher and especially Sasha.

She was really trying hard to get Asher's attention. How is Sasha not embarrassed trying so hard to get his attention? If I were to talk to him, I'll be as red as a tomato.

Wow, how did he become popular this quick? Girls these days really just care about looks don't they? I kinda pity the new guy now.

I can't help noticing but, Perrie kept on starring at Jace's way. I know Perrie always has a crush on him since she first saw him.

She should like try and talk to him but nooo she doesn't want to. She said she's scared and I'm here like 'gurl, you have them buns and body goals and all but you're still of talking to him? ' I'll ask her later after lunch while going back to class.

"And lunch time is over. " I said while packing my rose gold container into my black bag.

"Come on, let's go back to class before we're late. " I said to Perrie while carrying my black bag and my rose gold water bottle.

Eva already went off to her class with them Sean and his gang.

While me and Perrie walking through the halls to get to our class, I asked her some questions that I wanted to ask her during lunch.

"So... Perrie.. Why were you staring at your crush a lot during lunch time? I know you always stare at him during lunch but not for too long. Care to explain? " I asked Perrie while giving her my brightest smile so she won't kill me. Perrie being angry is very scary. I've experience it once, and I never wanted that to happen again.

"Ugh, it's just that, I'm jealous of all the girls who we're flirting with him. I wish Im brave enough to talk to him. But sadly I'm not. " she said sadly. Aww my poor Perrie is being sad..

"I'm just a scaredy cat like you. " she said with a smirk playing on her face this time. Ouch. Okay. I get it. Damn you Perrie.

"Ugh, whatever." I said while rolling my eyes. Then she laughs. Then I laugh too. Lol.

"Maybe you should try to impress him with your cheerleading skills tomorrow? Well, forget what I said. It's kinda dumb." I said to her more like a questions because I myself do not know if it works.

Why am I even giving her advice about ways to get your crush's attention? I'm just a hopeless romantic. Just like Meghan Trainor's song called 'Hopeless Romantic'.


"Hm? What's wrong? " Perrie asked with a worried expression playing all over her face.

"Oh, nothing. I'm just tired. So are you up with my dumb advuce? " I asked her playfully. If only you knew how I felt about love.

"Yeah sure. Maybe I should give it a try. Can you be there too? I need a friend and a support as well. " she asked while stopping me from entering the classroom. Welp, that kinda shocked me since I was just being sarcastic. But, when it comes to Perrie, I'll never get out of this.


"Yeah fine, I'll come with you tomorrow. " I said then she let go of me so I can enter the classroom.

Hm? I look at the table where asher is supposed to sit and it's not him the one who's sitting there. It's another classmate of mine.

Now how do I say this? I'm kinda feel happy because I don't have to hide myself a lot this time and I kinda feel sad too because he's not sitting here. Ugh, why do I care anyways?


Geez, I sighed a lot today. Maybe I'm just tired. Tired of existing maybe? Or maybe tired of be-

"Hey" said a voice coming from beside me.

Oh no.

It's Asher. Asher Kingston.

Welp. Wish me luck!

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