:Rebirth - Neo L Collins

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This was written on April 25th 2018, Rebirth was currently on chapter 56 "like father, like son" so this likely messes with the current story that you have read.

This was requested by @Trashgottaproblem hope you like it!

I stared down onto the city below, mom was to arrive any minute now. My head hurts, it's way to quiet, I honestly expected more commotion for the solar eclipse that was currently going on. Heck, my mom even let me stay home from school to watch. But the world seemed empty, I've been waiting for half an hour, she must be stopped in traffic, cars aren't even moving. Red flag, something isn't right.

I rummaged around for my Swiss Army knife, phone on hand. I made sure to lock the house door but also keep my key taped close but hidden near the door, as not to lose it. First destination: the road. As I walked towards the road, no one was outside, however I stared getting worried when I noticed the people in the cars were asleep. "Hello!" I called out, I couldn't be the only one awake! I rushed downtown, no one. "Hello!" I called out again. I cautiously went from area to area, people were sleeping on the side walk, in cars, in shops, I was alone.

It took almost an hour to see someone awake, a pale man with black hair. Without him knowing I followed him, he looked human and somehow familiar. I hid behind the near building, knife out. "What's going on?" I ask out loud, "you seem to be surprisingly clam." I told him, heart racing. "You're awake?" He asked, turning to see no one behind him, "No one." He sighed. I poked my head out just so he wouldn't think he was crazy. His eyes widen slightly, "You're (Y/N) right?" He knew my name, he likely wasn't a threat, so carefully I walked out to face him directly, "Ya, and um... who are you?" "Someone who can help."

I followed the man, turns out he's the father of one of my classmates, and old friend Neo, I already don't like him. Neo was kind of an outcast at school, even towards me, however we did still talk more than anyone else, leading me to develop feelings towards him, and I have a pretty good idea of what his father is like. "Why is everyone asleep except for you and me?" I ask. "I have no idea, I was hoping you knew." He responded, obviously lying.

We arrived at his house, I had to wait in this small room until he got back. Normally I wouldn't listen to him but something compelled me to, but hey, at least there was a puppy under the bed. "Hey little guy." I whispered as I beckoned the little white pup over, "don't be scared, come here." I smiled at it, slowly making it's way from under the bed. It seemed happy to see me, not a bad dog.

I didn't realize how long it had been until I saw the bedsheets move, wow I was an idiot, I should have checked who was in the room with me. I quickly back into the corner, standing my guard and pulling out my knife. "(Y/N)?" A sleepy male voice asked, "what are you doing in my room." It was Neo. I let out a long sigh and plopped to the floor. "Sorry, stuff happened. I didn't know it was your room." I apologized to my somewhat crush as the dog ran towards him. "It's fine, I like having you around so it's not a big deal. Wanna explain what the 'stuff' is?"


"Are you feeling okay?" I ask Neo as I continue to play with Hail, "You almost died today but you seem fine." Neo was thrown to the undead in the mall, thankfully Noah saved him with some sort of weird power. Neo just looked at me, he never really was a talker and I learned to just wait until he was ready to talk. "We should get Hail some proper dog food." I suggest, it was obvious that I was changing the subject, Neo even pointed it out like he always does.

"Noah isn't telling us something." Neo finally said. It was true, Noah had been acting strange, first being nice to Neo, then staying completely calm during this apocalypse, then the blood power. "I haven't met him before, and I'm assuming that you've never talked about me to him." I say, almost ignoring his previous statement, "The day everyone was asleep, he recognized me, almost happy to see me." Neo looked at me, concentrating. "Well obviously I wouldn't talk to him." Neo responded, "If he knew that I liked going to school to see you, then he would have make me transfer.... I'm going to talk to him."

Neo left the room, surprisingly he aloud me to listen in to the conversation. It when okay... ish... I guess. Either way, Neo was as cold and distant as ever. He walked around the corner and I followed him into our room. Hail let me pick him up and we sat close to Neo, he would never admit it but he does like to be around the little pup. I let Hail run around on our laps, a smile curled on my lips for the first time in a while, then came the tears. I was never able to find my mom, or the rest of my family, and now I was with Neo, who I almost lost. I couldn't imagine what he was going through... what he had always been going through.

I felt a hand on top of my head, I didn't need to look up to know it was Neo. He pulled me so my head way laying on his shoulder, arm around my body, this wasn't like him at all. Then again I've always been optimistic and cheerful, or understanding when talking to him, never once did I cry. "Not acting like yourself very much." I said trying to lighten the mood. "I could say the same for you. Get some sleep." He said as he laid down on the bed, bringing me down too.

I missed waking up to the sun, it was nice. However being basically pin down on the bed by a sleeping boy was a new experience. I squirmed my way to face Neo, accidentally waking him up in the process. He opened one eye and looked at me before closing it, I rolled my eyes and just got up, definitely disturbing him. "Your face is as red as a tomato." He mumbled sleepily. "You're quite warm for having such a cold heart." I replied. "I don't have a cold heart." "Of course not, oh great stoic one." I giggled. "If I was cold I wouldn't have cared about you crying. If you wanna talk about it feel free." Neo said as he finally sat up in the bed. I managed to get everything off my chest before we headed out, even able to explain my worry for Neo, ending up in him saying he'll stay alive as long as I am. Good enough for now.

"Thanks Neo, sorry for being a burden."I say as I lean into him. He doesn't say a word, just plays with my hair in a relaxing way. Slowly he turns me around, examining my face as I look at his. "You really are different." He suddenly says, and for once, he smiles, looking directly into my eyes as they slowly close. I felt a warm sensation on my lips, cold heart, warm lips. The kiss was light but passionate, it lasted shorter than I had hoped but we embraced each other afterwards. "I love you (Y/N)." He whispered in my ear. "I love you too Neo."

The walk to the gas station wasn't long but it sure was quiet, I could hear one of the others asking why Neo and I were even here, ignoring him was fun. It was nice to walk, but I still haven't gotten used to the undead, Neo seems decently okay, and on the outside I probably do to. I let out a long happy sigh, soon feeling something brush against my hand as we approached the gas station. Neo took my hand in his and gave it a quick squeeze before he let go again, following his dad into the store while I stayed outside with the others.

It didn't take long to get the generator up, and soon we had gas... and Neo had powers... A couple of others from the 'safe place' came over, and of course due to our age Neo and I had to sit out. But that did give him time to explain everything to me about the earring. "Geez, everyone seems to have some sort of power." I laugh as Neo makes two suckers appear, handing one to me, "You think I have any powers, or am I just useless?" I said causally, letting a ladybug crawl onto my finger. "I have no idea, try something." He suggested. I thought about it for a moment, "I wanna fly! Fly!" I commanded, geez I look stupid, even the ladybug flew away from me. "Guess I can't fly." I laugh. "No, but you seem to be able to control that ladybug." He responded as he looked at the ladybug who was flying steadily over our heads.

"Could you all come out please?" I ask, expecting to see a bunch more ladybugs, swarm. However to my surprise, a bunch of animals all came out and looked at me. "Neo do you know what this means! I can control animals!" I said excitedly. Neo smiled again, cupping my cheek and placing a small kiss to my forehead. "Your a goof."

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