Chapter 27

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Allyson sits down on the ground and we all crowd around her. I lean against a wall, mourning over Jason who had just let me know his beautiful secret.

Allyson stares at the ground. Expression blank about possibly losing her bestfriend.

What is wrong with these people? They just lost two members of their group and they're not even shedding one little tear, that is, except for Aria.

I look at her eyes. Red and mascara has been streamed down her smooth face.

I look away before she can catch me staring.

I look at my ticket way out of here, the door. Which I could run out of at any given moment.

But I've found out that you can't run away from your problems when all they do is chase, then catch you.

But I guess that's what problems do. Unless you solve them, and there's no solving these issues. One, I have more issues than a magazine company, and two, I can't solve them without making sacrifices. How do you sacrifice when you have nothing?

"Firess? What's wrong?" Aria asks me. I snap my head to her.

"Nothing, just... nothing." I answer back.

"Dude, you're my best friend, there is definitely something wrong." She crosses her arms and raises one eyebrow.

I shake my head in a depressing way.

I stand up to walk away, but she grabs my arm.

I quietly tell her to let go, almost a whisper.

"No, what's wrong?!" She's almost yelling.

"Aria, please let go...." I look to the door, but she still stares into my eyes.

"Why?!" Now she's yelling.

"Aria, I'm leaving. I can't see anyone else get hurt."

"Wow! You just got here, Firess! Now you're leaving?! AGAIN!? YOU CANT JUST WALK INTO MY LIFE, THEN LEAVE, IT DOSENT WORK LIKE THAT!" She's shouting now.

Next thing I know she's yanked away for me, and whining. I look to my hand, a knife with blood on it is in my hand. I look to Aria. She's holding her arm. Blood is dripping from it.

She slowly looks up to me.

"Did it have to go this far?" She whispers. I cover my mouth and back out of the cabin.

I run. As fast I can.

The problems are still chasing me, but I don't think that's the only thing chasing me.


Rainy's P.O.V


I wake up in a cold damp room. I feel like I'm underground. I'm lightheaded, but remember everything.

"Wagner?!" I yell.

I snap my head to the door as it opens.

"Are you ready to die?" A scruffy voice asks me.

I crawl back to the wall and prop my back against it.

"You can try, but I know that's not my fate." I say convincingly. He crosses his arms and taps his foot. "You wouldn't kill me anyways. You need something from me." He raises his eyebrows.

"How did you know?" He tilts his head to the side. But I haven't seen his face yet, he's still wearing Wagner's mask.


"Where's Wagner? Is Allyson okay? Did they find Firess? Where am I? Who are you? Why did you bring me here? I SWEAR IF YOU TOUCHED ONE OF MY FRIENDS, I'LL RIP YOUR HEAD OFF!" I cover my mouth so I'll stop talking.

"My my my." He let's out a sigh.

I try to stand up, but my foot brings

me back down.

"What do we have here? An injured gazelle, huh? What happened?" He asks me.

"What's it to you?"

"Listen to me," He comes closer to me. "How about those questions? You answer mine and I'll answer yours. Simple?"

I sigh and nod my head.

What am I doing? I've just been kidnapped, and I'm agreeing and listening to my kidnapper. Maybe I'm the one insane. Or maybe I'm just dying.....


Aria's P.O.V


I hold my arm as I watch Firess disappear into the mess of trees.

I know she didn't mean to. I should've listened to her. I'm so stupid.

Allyson shoots her gaze to my eyes.

"No your not." She says quickly, arguing with my thoughts.

"Wait, you heard that?" I ask her.

Cade looks up from holding Allyson.

"Heard wha- Oh my, I'll find something for that." He slowly tears away from Allyson and finds a table cloth that'll work just fine.

It's starting to burn.

"Maybe it'll get infected..." Allyson says, again speaking to my thoughts.

I look to Cade, once my enemy, now my closest friend, or the only sane one in that matter. He's the only one who can help me find Firess.

That's gonna be a tough one though.

I wonder where Rainy is.

Thoughts swirl through my mind.

Maybe she's dead. Maybe she's trying to get back. Maybe she's escaped. We'll never know until we see her again. And Wagner. What's he doing?

Could this day get any worse? Yes it could.

The bleeding didn't stop, so I fell unconscious from blood loss. It felt good the while I was out. No nightmares. Or anything. Just dark happiness. But when I woke up, I wish I hadn't.

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