Chapter 23

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I start to feel dizzy and sick, so I decide to sit down. I hold my head and wonder why I left, why I left the people I love. But then I remember why, because I don't want to see the people I love die.

I've seen it once, and I don't really want to see it again.

I stand back up as I hear the scuffing of stalker feet coming closer. I grip my side and start running again.

I just hope everyone is okay, or at least better than me. I feel around my belt to find my gun and crowbar. I unbuckle the belt, and hold the crowbar in hand and gun in the waistband of my shorts. I hear them coming to me from all which way, I'm trapped, surrounded, and I can't escape!

I spin in circles, listening for a way out, but that moment never comes. I hold my breath as the sound stops. I jump as I hear a gun fire. I drop down to the ground and try not to move.

Gun shots ring out again and again.

My breathing starts again, but heavy and worried. Sweat drips from my head into the orange leaves of Autumn trees. A chill creeps up my spine as I hear loud footsteps of a man in boots slowly walking to me.

I close my eyes and squeeze them tight as they stop. A tear drips from my eyes.

I yelp as hand grips my hair, and pulls me up to my feet.

"Arghhg!" I yell. I force away and whip around. A guy is standing with a gun in his hands and looking me down. He wears camo cargo pants and a black t-shirt that shows his muscles.

"Sorry, uhh what's your name?" I hold my head and shake it side to side.

"What? You just almost ripped all my hair out and now you wanna know my name?" He looks at his feet, and so do I. He's wearing lace up boots. I look back up at him.

He steps out to me, and I step back.

"What now, I ain't gonna hurt you." He holds his hand out towards me. "I'm Shane." I nod my head and pick up my crowbar.

"Firess." I say back. He laughs at me. "What?!" I sound a little to irritated.

"You kill monsters with that?" He looks at my crowbar and then glances at his giant bullet shooter.

"They're attracted to noise, don't you know?" He nods his head and turns around.

I make a quick moved and tap him on the shoulder to make him turn back around. I swing my crowbar over my head and stop it right in front if his face, all without making a noise.

"Oh, that's why. Well I, uh, got a farm up ahead if you wanna come with me." I nod my head and move out if the way so he can lead away.

"Well, this might be fun."


We walk for about twenty minutes until I see a small farm house. An R.V is parked outside as well as a green van and a blue truck.

He nudges me to snap me out of my daydream.

"Hey, uh, some people won't like you being here, so stay behind me." I nod my head.

He escorts me into the house as a blond haired woman follows us in.

A man jumps up from a chair as he sees me.

"Who the heck is this?!" He yells.

"Woah, Rick calm down! She's just a girl!" I cross my arms and tap my foot. Shane is about to speak, but looks down at my foot, tapping. "What?" he asks me.

"I'm 18 years old and can kindly take care of myself." I turn away from him.

I look over at the couch and see a little boy sitting there. He had to have been at least 11 or 12. I smile and wave at him. He gives the smallest of smiles and turns away.

I almost lose my balance as Rick punches Shane. The little boy shoots his head over to them. I have to do something! I try to pry Rick off of Shane, but he's to strong, and I'm to weak at the moment anyways. I look at Shane.

"Gosh, am I doing this?" I turn to leave, but I feel a small hand reach for my arm. I look down to see the little boy shaking his head.

I look out the window at all the stalkers roaming beyond the fences.

I have to get out of here, I can't be causing trouble. I turn around to see Shane turning purple. Wow, that escalated quickly. I crawl under Rick and Shane's arms, to where I'm facing Rick and my body is pressed against Shane.

"Stop!" Rick looks at me in the eyes. He quickly let's go and runs into a different room. I push away from Shane, slowly, but I don't stay there long.

"Thanks." He says.

This reminds me of when I saved Cole's life. I just hope Shane doesn't end up like him.

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