Chapter 48

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"Good work for today, Princess, you're better than Jin hyung." J hope oppa said and ran. Jin oppa chased him. I chuckled. J hope oppa got caught by Jin oppa and got hit. We watched a movie and headed to bed early as we had to wake up early for practice tomorrow.
Next morning~~
I woke up by my alarm as I was excited to train though its only 4am. I took a quick shower as we are leaving at 5am
I wore this

Without cap or sunglasses I took my bag and looked at my clock

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Without cap or sunglasses
I took my bag and looked at my clock. 4.30am. I lay on my bed and played my phone for a while. "Let's go princess." Manager oppa said and I tied my hair into a high ponytail. I grabbed my bag and we all headed out at 4.55am. We reached there at 5.15am estimated. We went to the nearby cafe and ate breakfast as training starts at 5.30am. At 5.20am, we left the cafe and went back to the studio. We practiced vocals and dance. "Surprise!" We turned our heads and saw Got7 oppas and sj oppa. (Btw, sj oppa was sent to Got7 apartment before bts headed to their hotel) I ran to hug each of them. "Congrats Seo Joon into joining Got7 and congrats Princess into joining Bts!" We all cheered and clapped. "Mind if we practice together?" Jackson oppa asked. "Nah man. The more the merrier. We'll take turns. You guys go first. We'll sit and watch. Then we switch." Namjoon oppa replied and we nodded. We watched Got7 oppas do the y/f/Got7/s dance for their performance followed by us. We all collapsed onto the floor after that. Idols are tiring. Jeez. But I won't give up.

Heyyo peeple! I will be lagging a bit in posting new chapters as my exams are coming. I promise after my exams I'll post long and frequent chapters. I'm reelly sowwy. :((
Hwaiting! (To me lol) 😂

Bts adopted sisterWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt