Chapter 40

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Skip one week~~~~(a/n too lazy)
"Angie wake up time for school!!" Someone shouted, idk who tho. I wore my baggy school uniform which makes me look fat and I tied my hair in a nerdy low ponytail. No one to impress.
Jin oppa drove me to school. I went to the office. "Angelina Kim Hyemin. This is a Korean based school, so you will be known as Kim Hyemin here. Here's your timetable, proceed to class 3-A level one. The teacher is already there. Have a good day." The receptionist said. I smiled and nodded and bowed then left. I looked around and found class 3-A. I entered, everyone stared. Yay!! I saw sj oppa. He didn't look up and looked miserable. "You must be the new student, Kim Hyemin, Angelina." The teacher said. Sj oppa's head shot up he stared at me with wide eyes. I smiled at him. He still stared with a wide eyes and mouth. "Ok, go sit beside Seo Joon there." The teacher pointed to sj oppa. I walked over and sat. As our tables were connected, i passed him a note. It wrote.
Hello sj oppa. I'm not dead. I survived. Yeyy:)) Yes I am the real Angie. Don suspicious.
He immediately hugged me. No one saw as we were sitting at the back. "Loll. I retained three years to suit yr age. Wishing a miracle would happen, and it did. My loyalty." He said while looking afar and putting one hand on his heart. I chuckled and pinched his cheeks and pointing to the board telling him to pay attention. The rest of the class went well. Riiiiing! The bell rang. Everyone ran out. Leaving us two. "Wow. Anyway, lego." I said and took his hand and ran. But when i reached the door, I stopped, i I didn't know the way. He went in front and took my hand. "Silly girl, lego." We took off to the canteen. "I'm not hungry, you eat." I said and pouted. "Me neither." Sj oppa said. "I'll giv u a school tour." I nodded. We visit places like the library, basketball court, dance and music room. "I gotta go to the toilet. Head back to class first. You know where right?" He said. I nodded and chuckled at him dashing off. I went up to class. I turned at the door and bumped into someone. I closed my eyes waiting for impact but didn't feel any. Wot. I opened my eyes and saw a guy in front of my face. He held my waist. I got back my composure and apologized as well as thanked him. He was pretty cute, i I would say. I was blushing at how close his face was. He blushed and said. "It's fine. I'm Ashley. New girl right? Hope we can be friends." I bowed and nodded while giving him a bunny-dimpled smile. "U-umm. You're
r-really p-p-pretty." He said softly. I giggled and thanked him before heading back to my seat. I noticed a gloomy looking sj oppa there. "When did u get here?" I asked. "While you and Ashley were flirting." He said, poison lacing the words. I cringed at his tone. "Umm....ok? Why so angers?" It came out more like a statement. He's probably just on man period. IDK?😐

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