Chapter 39

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A hundred plus staff sat in the huge meeting room. "Woah." Namjoon oppa said. I let my oppas it at the guests seat and I sat at the leaders seat. "Staffs and assassins. You have all worked well with me. But I'm afraid I have to step down. To be a normal person. I am still young. I want to be worry free. Free from the worries of my death, company stuff and your safety. I will hand this position over to another staff and assassin. You will now have two leaders. Leader of company and leader of the "dirty business". I have therefore chosen Mr Jae as LOC and r/n as LOA. I will be your leader, but hidden leader. I will appear when in a needy emergency. Let's carry out the formal ceremony." I spoke and did the ceremony. After the meeting, I took my bag and headed home with my oppas. It was already evening.
"Do you wanna eat somewhere princess?" Jimin oppa at the front seat asked. "Pizza night and movies!!" I shouted. He just chuckled and nodded while the maknae line cheered. When I headed home, I took a long shower and wore something warm and comfy as it was night and getting colder.

 When I headed home, I took a long shower and wore something warm and comfy as it was night and getting colder

اوووه! هذه الصورة لا تتبع إرشادات المحتوى الخاصة بنا. لمتابعة النشر، يرجى إزالتها أو تحميل صورة أخرى.

Only top and pants
I headed to the living room after wearing my spectacles. "What are we watching?" I asked. "Cartoons !" Taetae oppa shouted. "No! I want to watch Iron Man!" Me and Jungkook oppa shouted. "No! I got the remote!" Taetae oppa stuck his tongue out at me. I snatched it and he snatched back. I started crying. "I want Iron man!!" I whined while crying. Jungkook came over and carried me.(I'm still short and underweight from the coma btw) "We can watch Iron man another time ok? We'll have our own Iron man marathon without the hyungs ok? Now, you will watch cartoons and get along with Taehyung ok?" He said softly. I crossed my arms and pouted. "I'll allow you to bring your car here." As soon as I heard that, I nodded my head. He smiled and put me beside Taehyung. I turned and climbed on Taehyung oppa's lap. "I'm sorry. I'll let you watch cartoons." I said while kissing him. Taetae oppa smiled. He gave me the remote telling me to watch. "No thanks. I got myself a deal and a date with Kookie oppa." I smiled. We happily ate pizza and watched tv while eating.

Bts adopted sisterحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن