Fighting for the Boys Ch. 7.2

Start from the beginning

Didn't they have jobs?

Alex shoved annoyance out of her mind and reviewed her latest duels. She lowered her mental shield as best as she could against her old memories of training with swords and various knives.

A ringing tone sounded, followed by absolute silence, as the Kuni entered and took her seat in the elaborate box in the stands.

Alex's heart quickened as she saw the brothers file into position beside the Kuni. Sure enough, each one was accompanied by a female.

Cla stared haughtily down at Alex, full of confidence.

"Not today, Cla," Alex muttered under her breath. "But soon, real soon, and you won't be so smug then."

Now, who to choose?

Gabe's face told her, 'I told you not to come here,' and she was sure he could read her 'too fire trucking bad' look.

Cale imperceptibly shook his head when she looked at him. Cale was safe in Deela's care.

Rile, then.

He must have been causing trouble, for his chest was littered with fresh cuts, and one eye was swollen. Alex gave his companion a long, measuring glare. She wasn't that jerk Caj, which didn't surprise Alex. It was Mina, who had handed Alex the dagger.

Mina was sharpening a blade nonchalantly. When she saw that she was object of Alex's attention, she twisted the blade until it glinted and earned Alex's instant hatred. Alex would bet her life that Rile had been tied or held down by others.

"I claim Rile," she announced.

Cla gave a surprised start, but settled back with a conceited look and said something to the Kuni. Alex didn't have to hear her to know that she said 'coward'.

"As you wish. Mina, you may enter the arena." The Kuni waved her hand.

A guard handed Alex a dagger. Mina was as tall as Cla, if not as bulky, so she had a longer reach than Alex.

Maybe I shouldn't have picked this Mina, especially if she is as good as Cla. I haven't accessed all my knife training through my brain damage yet. And my ability to access that kill instinct is just about nil.

Alex took a solid forward grip on the dagger because she needed the length advantage against the larger Anolis females.

Mina entered the arena, a reverse grip on her dagger for greater maneuverability, and turned to face the Kuni. Alex faced the Kuni as well.

The Kuni waved her hand and Alex was knocked off her feet, Mina's weight crushing her into the dirt. She blocked Mina's blade and sidled out from under the less maneuverable reptile.

The crowd roared. Alex kicked Mina's midsection and slammed the side of her head, trying to knock her over.

Was this a fight to the death? That wasn't a good thing to forget to ask.

Fortunately, she hadn't picked Cale. Deela wouldn't be much help to her friends dead. Assuming Alex won. Deela would probably be happy to kill Alex.

Mina went down, but not on her back. Alex moved in, but Mina grabbed her ankle and slashed her leg. Alex fell, giving Mina time to regain her footing. But Mina was overeager and her lunge at Alex ill-timed.

Alex struck down with her knife, narrowly missing Mina's flank. Alex let Mina rise to her feet a second time and this time tried a sweep that Gabe had taught her, but Mina was too solidly planted.

Guardians: Away Mission Book 2 of the Guardians Saga COMPLETED except for editsWhere stories live. Discover now