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Ship: Chaennie (Rosé X Jennie)

Genre: Fluff

Summary: Jennie gets insecure when her crush, Rosé, says Jisoo is sexy but never calls her pretty


-Jennie? Jennie! Where are you? Rosé yelled through the dorm, her hands on each side of her mouth to form a voiceover.

She waited a second to give Jennie time to answer but the reply never came, Lisa was just staring at her with a knowing look on her face.

-If you don't stop pestering her, it's normal for her to want to hide. Lisa commented and Jisoo laughed, making Rosé glare at the both of them.

-It's our movie time, it's normal for me to look for her.

-Yeah, Unnie.

Rosé rolled her eyes and walked to Jennie's room, knocking two times.

-Jendeukie, are you there? The silence answered her and she sighed, walking in to see if she could find her friend.

There, Jennie was curled up in a tiny ball, a blanket over her head and a little pout on her lips.

-Unnie? Where were you? Rosé asked as she sat on the bed next to the older girl, who looked away.

Rosé had looked several times in Jennie's room and the latter was never there.

-I was... away.

-What's wrong? Did you try to avoid me? Rosé questioned as she reached for Jennie's hand.

She felt hurt and really sad that her older friend would want to avoid spending time with her.

-I'm sorry, Rosie... Jennie whispered as she looked down, tightening the hold she had on Rosé's hand.

-Why would you do that?

The older girl didn't answer, she didn't even know where to start.

-Have I done something wrong?

Jennie hesitated for a moment.

-Rosé, do you think I'm good looking? She asked as she looked at her younger friend, her eyes filled with doubt and apprehension.

Rosé was taken aback by the sudden question and she frowned, raising her hand up to Jennie's face to brush a lock of brown hair away from her face.

-What sort of question is that? Of course, you're good looking, why would you ask something like that, Unnie?

Jennie blushed and she pouted, glancing up at Rosé with a little frown that made the younger girl melt inside.

-It's because you always say Jisoo is sexy... Jennie's bottom lip hung out, making her even more cute than she already was.

-What about it? You know Jisoo is our visual. That doesn't mean that I think you're not pretty, Jendeukie.

-Really? Then how come you never tell me?

Rosé sighed and laid down next to her friend, removing the layer of blanket from her hair as she petted her long brown locks gently.

-I'm sorry, Jennie. I think you're the cutest human being in this universe. You're really beautiful, don't worry about that.

Jennie's cheeks heat up as she looked down at her friend, a little shy smile stitched to her pink lips.

-You mean that? For real?

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 25, 2018 ⏰

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