chapter 5

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"Fuck" I whispered to myself and the cold hard blade formed deep gash across my skin. I had started forming shaped on my skin pale skin. Before I knew it I had the word why" written across my thigh. "Fuck Fuck Fuck" I  looked in the medicine cabinet in my bathroom for some gauze qnd quickly rapped my leg up.

Every time his older brother kankri mentioned swimming or going to the beach or doing really anything outside of our house I just brushed it off and made a cheap excuse as to why I couldn't leave. The only time I ever really did leave this house was to get to and from school. Dave and John occasionally tried to talk to me but pretty soon it just came to ignoring everyone and everything around me.

I got home from school and it had been a pretty shitty day, you walked to your room and grabed blade and slid it down slowly as the blade went deeper into my wrist and when I took the blade out and it made an eerie gushing noise that sounded like someone had just punched raw beef.

You wake up happier then ever. Today Was The Day. You told kankri you where going to take a walk to the kurklane park. To get to this park you had to cross a bridge, a bridge that would soon become a place of sorrow to you family.

I heard the shuffle of footsteps behind me so i turned and saw the one and only Dave Strider.

"Hey… ." He said in a small whisper that was barelt audible.

"Go away i honestly don't want to talk to you right now" I snapped at him but deep down I just wanted to hug him and have him tell me it would be okay, but that wouldnt happen.

>Dave Pov<

"I honestly dont want to talk to you right now." His words peirced my heart.

" WELL YOU CANT KEEP SHUTTING US OUT!" You yelled at him with a river of tears streaming from your eyes. You eevretted saying that as soon as you said it and wished the words had never escaped your lips.

>karkats Pov<

Dave was sobbing loudly and now that you thought about it, maybe he wasn't the tough kid everyone had talked about.

"Just go away" I just wanted to be alone. Dave gave me one last look through his shades before walking off.

I waited for him to leave as I walked to the middle of the bridge which just so happen to also be the highest point. I said a quick Goodbye to everyone and everything quietly to myself before I forced my feet over the edge and I prepaired my body for the cold wave of death to overcome me


ok I really like this chapter sorry i havent updated in a while ive been in and out of the hospital alot latley due to alot of anxiety attacks but oh well ok so im going to give you a choice ok

I'm going to post 2 chapters one good part that will continue the story and one bad ending that will end the story. You can just read one or both or whatever I dont really care, Just lettin ya kno whats goin on

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