Randy Stones

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"So that's what happened?" Corey asked. April was sunk into her flashback, so Corey placed his hand on her shoulder and gave her a shake. "Huh?" April spoke before snapping out of her flashback. "So that's what happened?" Corey asked again. "Yeah.." April said before seeing her house. "We're here." April states with excitement. It was actually a very huge mansion, it was like every rich person's dream of living in. It had 4-floor levels, a security gate with a little box with a buzzer, and lots of neat features.

"Wow...." Corey awed in amazement. Mr.Bell drove up to the gate and held out his hand to push the buzzer. "Mr.Bell with April Noel and Corey Wendell," Mr.Bell says into the box. "Ooh, get them in! We're waiting for those two." Janine said in excitement, then pressed a button to open the gate for them. After they got through, the gate doors closed and locked. As soon as they pulled up in the front of the house, most of April's family were outside waiting for her. "Hello, Noel Mansion!" April greets after getting out of the car. Janine, April's cousins, aunts, and uncles are all waiting.

But Corey was given a death stare from Renee, Jasmine, Sarah, Alexa, and Alexis. Corey was wondering why though. Janine snapped got out a bell and shook it until she heard it ring. 4 maids and 3 butlers came running out of the door and stood in front of Janine. ¨Yes Mrs. Noel?¨the maids and butlers asked in unison. ¨I need you to tell the chef to prepare dinner, I need you two to take my niece and her friend to the rooms they will be staying in. Could you three make sure that laundry and cleaning get done, please? Please, and thank you."Janine requests as she assigns each person to a task.

¨Will do ma'am.¨says the maids and butlers. ¨This way please.¨one of the maids says to April and Corey. Corey felt uncomfortable from the unwelcomed feeling that he was getting from Renee. ¨April, what's wrong with your cousin Renee?¨Corey asked. ¨I don't know, why?¨April asks back. ¨Well Renee and some of your other family members are giving the unwelcomed stare.¨Corey replies. ¨Oh....before it was Renee who suggested for me to call the police on you..." April answers.

"Speaking of police, why are you bringing a criminal into this house?" Renee brought up. "What the- how did you, when did you.." Corey says speechlessly. "Don't matter, now answer me April, why did you bring Corey here when you were the one who asked me if you should call the police?" Renee restated. "What? I'm not a criminal..." Corey says with confusion. "Yes you are, I saw you walking around in the streets of Portland. I saw you murder someone with a shotgun, kidnap a child, dealing ice, and stealing stuff." April stated as she was still following the two maids.

"Since when was I in Portland? I've been living in Salem for my whole life, just minding my own business, and trying to help my mother's bakery store." Corey explains. "When did you see all this stuff happening?" Corey asks. "You do it around like exactly at 8:00 p.m. around Voodoo Donuts." April describes. "Okay, no way I can be in Portland at that time because I usually go to bed at that time. Did the person look like me?" Corey questions.

"Yeah..-like how specifically.." Corey interrupts. "He has the same eye color as you, same hair color, same skin color. But when I saw you, you two had different hairstyles, I thought you just got a haircut for whatever reason." April says. "....I think I know who you are talking about. Because he's really good at disguising himself as other people." Corey says as he remembered the exact detail of the person. "Randy Stones," Corey mentions.

"I know who that is," April says as she remembered hearing his name from the news on the tv. "You mean the disguising killer?" Renee asks. Then Juan, came running up to tackle Corey down. "Yay, I got the evil pirate!" Juan cheers proudly in a victory. Then Madison ran up to Corey and lets herself fall on him. "Pirate," Madison says. "Uhh...??" Corey says confused.

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