The Escape Plan

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With all the innocence in Corey's life, he is very confused about how all of his innocence is now not so innocent anymore. It was as if he was from innocent into guiltiness with confusion mixed into it. He couldn't understand what could've happened, but he must've done something bad and doesn't remember it. That could be what happened. He could've done it and not remember it.

Corey noticed that April also had a purse with her, and there was a map sticking out of it. "Hey, you got a map?" Corey asked as pointed at the map. "Huh? Oh, I guess so?" April said with confusion as she took out the map. As Corey noticed in April's response to that, he felt like something was weird about how these new clothes and stuff that April found was brought to them.

"Where did you get this stuff and clothes by the way?" Corey asked. April hesitated on speaking another word as all she was thinking of was what to answer to Corey's question. As Corey glanced at the ax, he noticed blood on it. Corey was shocked to see blood on the ax, yet also confused. "And why is there blood on that ax?" Corey asked another question.

April looked at the bloody ax. All she could say was "someone dumped this stuff off and I don't know why the ax is bloody." But Corey fought with his body over on if he can trust April or not. Despiting on how it looks in his view, he didn't care if he felt bad for her back at the prison. He actually wished he didn't feel anything back in the prison and right now as well.

He didn't even feel bad for his poor father. But all of sudden, there was a rustle in the bushes with a groan as well. Corey and April looked at the rustling bush and came close to it. April looked over the bush and saw a man who seems to look all well and looking fairly good.

Corey came over and saw the man. "DAD!" Corey gasped as tears rushed down from his eyes straight down onto his cheeks. The man turned around and saw Corey. "Corey!" Corey's father exclaimed. They both hugged each other as Corey gathered all his strength and pulled his 212-pound father over the bush. April smiled as she watched this beautiful reunion of a father and son.

Corey pulled away from his father before looking at Angel. "This is my friend, April." Corey introduced. "April Noel, how do you do?" April introduced herself as she gently bowed. "Hey there, I'm Corey's father, Derek Wendel, you can call me Mr. Wendel or Derek..." Derek introduced himself. "Alrighty' Derek." April nodded with a chuckle. Derek chuckled along with her, Corey did the same as well.

But when Corey heard footsteps on twigs, he also heard dogs barking. "Oh, no....the guards are here, looking for us...." Corey uttered quietly. "Hm....quickly this way kids..." Derek instructed as he pointed in the left direction. After they ran in the same direction that Derek pointed to, they saw the path cut off. They were on top of a huge cliff.

Corey has a phobia of heights, he could barely move his legs at all. He just held tightly onto the back of his father's shirt. "D-dad, please don't tell us that we're jumping...." Corey asked as he looked up at his dad. "Don't I got tools to help us down...." Derek replied as he grabbed out tools from the bag he has. He the right tools for this situation, which Corey was shocked to see his dad with, knowing he had all items taken away from him.

Derek set up the tools before turning to April and Corey. "Whose first?" Derek asked. "I don't think mister shakers isn't ready, but I am," April told as she teased about Corey. April got onto the rope and basically let herself slide down on the rope. The cliff was huge but it wasn't that deep, it was only 10 inches deep. So when April got to the middle of the rope, the guards got closer. "Oh no, April, please hurry!! The guards are getting closer." Derek yelled out to April. "Don't rush me, old man!" April demanded as she was already on the ground. "Besides, it's your turn," April said as she wiggled the rope.

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