April's Story

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As soon as Corey was about to fall asleep in his seat, the worker spoke into the microphone. "Alright, will all passengers that are going on this plane go to London. Please come forward and show me your passports and once that is done, you may proceed with your flight." The worker said before turning off the microphone. Corey and April got up with their things all ready to go with their passports in their hands. They ended up fourth in line. They were behind a family of a mother with two twin daughters who looked to be 8.

    And being behind those twins was the worst because they ended up fighting over who got to go first onto the plane and ended up fighting over some red ribbon. The mother tried to make them stop, but it was no use. Because all it did was make it worse, every time the mother tried to make them stop, they would just yell. At least he doesn't have to be near them, or that's what he thinks. The twins ended up behind him. The seats on the plane were divided into three in each row since it was a huge plane.

    After everyone got seated and settled, the flight attendant turned on the announcement speaker and held it to his mouth. "Alright passengers, I am your flight attendant, James Mckay. And I will go over a few things before we head off into the sky." James said as he is standing in front of everyone.

After he explained the safety instructions and a couple of other things. "Now I will need all passengers to have seat belts on during this time before we take off. If you need assistance, just raise your hand and I will come to help you." James informed before turning off the speaker and putting it back on the wall.

    April looked out her window and saw what looked like one of the prison camp guards. There were two of them, she got very worried so she pulled down the cover over the window so they wouldn't see her. They were standing on the ground level by the luggage carriers. "I hope this plane gets up in the air sooner.," April says worried quietly to herself. "What now?" Corey asked as he looked at her. "Oh nothing," April answered.

    After a few minutes, the flight attendant went back up to the front and got out the speaker, and held it to his mouth again. "Alright passengers, we are about to take off. Please keep seat belts until the seat belt signals or until I say it's safe for seat belts to be off." James informed before putting the speaker back on the wall, then sat on a seat that is in front of them and put a seatbelt on. Then the plane drove a little on the ground, after driving a little. The plane started to get a little faster before it got off the ground.

    April felt relieved that the plane was heading up into the sky already so she can slide up the window cover and watched as the planes are getting higher and higher. Then the plane finally got up into the air and everyone's ears started to pop, which caused some issues for the twins that were sitting behind Corey and April.

The twin behind Corey kept crying and kicking Corey's seat. "Mommy! I don't like this popping sound in my ears." The little girl cried. Corey facepalmed and tried not to turn around and yell at her. On the other hand, the other twin doesn't like the popping so she looked up at her mother.

    "Mom, may I please have some gum?" The little girl asked. "Sure honey." The mother nodded as she got out a pack of gum from her purse and gave her daughter a piece of gum. April unbuckled her seatbelt and turned around to look at the little girl behind her. "Hello, I am April. What is your name?" April was introduced with a question. "I am Marina, this is my twin sister, Sabrina." Marina introduced her and her sister as she pointed to the right side of her to where her sister is sitting. "We're both 8 years old," Marina said.

    "This is my mom." Marina pointed to her mom who is on the left side of her. "Hi, I am Erica." The mother introduced herself. "So where's the father?" April asked without any filter. "Oh, he's actually already at where we are going to, which is London. You see, my husband got accepted to be a doctor in a hospital in London. So he wanted us to pack everything and move to London." Erica explained. "Oh, I see." April's lips went into an o shape as she said that. April slowly turned around and let herself sink into her seat as she thought about her parents. How sweet they were to her, and how they treated her so much with love and care, they even made her feel like she is a special doll.

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