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The young boy's name is Corey Wendel, with a strange girl named April Noel. Corey has been mistakenly arrested because of April. But yet April has been taken as well and is now stuck with him. They are taken to an area called Marshbrook Site in a state called Oregon. It was like a really strict camp, but adding the whips and guns, it was like if a prison camp.

Because they made you work, it didn't matter who you were. As April looked at Corey, she looked away before he looked at her. "This is all of your faults," Corey complained as he looked at his bruised hands from the way getting to the prison. ".....if you didn't commit all of those crimes.....then we wouldn't be here in the first place you dummy...." April responded. April had an English accent in her voice. Corey had American in his.

"What crimes....?" Corey asked. "Like how about murdering Amber Jones? Does that ring a bell?" April told as she narrowed her eyes at the gate and bars. The room was really small, with a small bed, one toilet and a sink with running water. April growled at him for moving towards the sink. "Am I not allowed to drink?" Corey asked as he would look irritated at April.

"Not yet...I know you're hungry, well so am I, we haven't eaten for two days... But they said that they would bring us cups...." April said. But as hours went by, Corey managed to get some sips of water without April acting like a dog towards him. Corey looked at the brick wall that was beside his bed.

All he could think of is on how regretful he is about believing April for her stupid lies. Corey wishes to be back with his sister, his father, and his mother. But his father was taken away as well, he was actually there because he is in there for a different reason. He's in there for actual crimes that he did. Even though his father did bad things, he still loves him.

These were the times when being rich is important, so it's important to save money. His family had very little money and had very little food, but they had lots of water, jam, fruit, milk, vegetables, and bread because of the leftovers from Corey's mother's bakery shop. Corey felt apologetic because he was taken away from his family.

April didn't feel anything, she does have a family, but her parents were killed in a car crash when she was only 5 years old. Her family in London took her in and treated her like family. But she would still have nightmares of that car crash because she was in the backseat of the same car that her parents died in.

As two guards came by, they gave them two cups. "See...I told you...." April said. "I never doubted...."Corey said as he picked up a cup then filling it up with water from the sink. It was clear water, April filled hers with water too but she was shaking too much to even drink it. She was cold, they had no blankets, well except for Corey, who stole a blanket from one of the guards. The guards didn't wanna bother getting the blanket back.

April sat on her bed after drinking some water, she was shivering. Corey rolled his eyes at April and went onto his bed, covered himself with the blanket then closing his eyes to go to sleep. If he can even sleep with April sobbing. "Ugh, can you not cry?" Corey complained about a question. April felt scared and sad.

Corey could care less for April since she got him in this mess in the first place. All he can care about was him surviving this. But he did feel a little bad about how mean he was being. So he tried not to be really mean. April finally fell asleep, even though she cried herself to sleep. The guards came by and opened the gate, took Corey and April to somewhere else.

They took them to a jail cell outside. But different cages, Corey just watched the guards be so horribly mean to April. He can just think of how mean he was to her, but he felt only a little bad. April felt so much pain, then she was thrown into a cage. Corey shook his head for any pain. "That's not for you to decide, you filthy animal." The guard yelled at him before they punched him in the gut. he could just scream out the pain, the guards smirked when he cried.

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