I miss you

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Logan walked up to him, flowers in one hand, his dogs leash, Oliver, handle in the other. As they walked they reached a small forest where a small area clears up.

It was full of the most beautiful flowers, babies breath.

'Patton always loved these flowers' Logan thought, letting Oliver off of his leash to run, play, and bark at the occasional squirrel. Logan started in the distance and smiled.

His boyfriend sat there, six feet away from where he stood.
Logan felt tears in his eyes. Yeah, he's Logic, but whenever he sees his boyfriend he always find a way to shed a few tears.

Logan held out the flowers and set them down softly and started to whisper to his lover.

"I missed you a lot yesterday. I was crying and eventually Virgil found me and comforted my form. Roman made diner, and almost set the house a flame. His cooking was never as good as yours, though."

Logan broke out into sobs and fell to his knees. He counted the tears that fell from his eyes, and talked again but this time louder, and more clear.

"I wish I could lay with you again. Eat with you again. Laugh and talk for hours on the phone until our batteries died and we fell asleep. You would always fall asleep first and you would wake up only minutes later to ask if I was awake! Remember?!" Logan slightly yelled at the last sentence.

Logan sniffled and shifted in his position to where he was sitting with his legs crossed and his head in his hands. He grabbed the flowers and sat them near Patton.

"I wish you could come home, and we could bake brownies with the wrong recipe because you always thought you knew how to bake." Logan slightly smiled at the memories of Patton denying the need to look at the cooking book and going off of his own recipe.

"I wish you could stay up all night waiting for everyone else to be asleep to make sure none of us got hurt or fought over something so silly as which milk to use for cereal in the morning.... I wish I could just hug you........ one last time.."

Logan sighed and sobbed once more as he traced the letters on the stone. They read 'Patton. Ceased on March 27th, 2016.'

Logan sniffled again as Oliver licked his face to get rid of the tears. Logan stood up and smiled at the gravestone.

"I love you, Patton." He said and put Oliver back on his leash and walked back to the house where the other sides awaited him with a full dinner that Roman has prepared.

As Logan sat and ate silently among the rest, he slightly smirked and thought, "Romans cooking will never be as good as yours." And Virgil and Roman sat there confused on why Logan was smiling after visiting Patton.

As Logan went to bed that night he had the weirdest dream.....

(To be continued in Pt. 2)

Did I make anyone sad? I tried to make in emotional :/ I kinda failed tho XD

Logicality One-Shots (Patton x Logan) sanders sidesWhere stories live. Discover now