Chapter 16

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*altight Guys we're getting there. I hope you guys have enjoyed the ride so far. Thank you so much for all the reads and votes  I am beyond blown away!!

Ben Pov

Everything happened in slow motion. Hux was suddenly behind Rey. He smiled wickedly at Ben and then Rey gasped out in pain as Kylos own saber ignited through her abdomen. Hux pulled back the blade and she slowly sank to the ground.

"REY!!!" Ben shouted in agony. Rage over came him. All he saw was red. He was vaguely aware of Hux laughing, the blaster in Captain Freyah's blaster still at his head. Rey was gone, and he had truly lost everything. There would be no mercy. The darkness inside him burst outward and both Freyah and Hux were instantly thrown back. Hux looked at Ben, terror was etched across his face. As the anger and hatred fueled Ben he ripped his wrists apart, the binders snapping immediately, he stretched out his hand to Hux who was pulled into his grip. With his other hand Ben pulled his saber into his hands and stared at Hux. "Time to die you bastard" he whisperd. Hux didn't reply he just stared at Ben defiantly.

"Others will follow me" he wheezed out as he struggled to breath

"No" Ben answered he brought the saber to Huxs throat. Ben reached deep into Hux's mind and unleashed his blinding range within the gingers head. Hux let out a piercing scream as his mind was slowly ripped to pieces. Blood started to drip from Hux's ears.

"Ben......Stop" it was Rey. She was sitting up barely, her hand was reaching out to Ben.

"Rey!!" Ben threw Hux against the wall, his head made a violent cracking sound and he slid down to the floor unconscious.

Ben pulled Rey into his arms, he lifted her off the ground and turned to see both Hux and Freyah were out cold. He looked down at Rey again, she was pale, and he knew he needed to get away from this planet she needed to be healed immediately and he knew exactly where to go.

He found Rey's ship easily, it wasn't exactly hidden. He smiled, this girl was crazy. He placed her on a cot in one of the rooms and rushed out to the cockpit. He quickly input the coordinates and pulled the ship into the air. It would be several hours before they reached their destination and Ben was terrified that Rey wouldn't make it. He hit the auto pilot as the ship shot into hyperspace. He went back to Rey. She was covered in sweat and barely breathing. Her small body had been through so much he was amazed at how she held on.

"Oh Rey" Ben lifted her into his lap. He closed his eyes and concentrated as best he could. "Please" he whispered to the force around them. He could feel his energy as well as hers. Both energies swirling in the air between them. He slowly pushed as much of his energy to her as he could manage. Not too much but enough to keep them both alive. He could feel her heartbeat slowly begin to steady, her breath returned to a somewhat normal rhythm. The hole in her stomach began to slowly close but not by much.

"Ben" she whispered his name before he felt her slip back into unconsciousness. He sighed. He closed his eyes and drifted to sleep.

A loud beeping from the cockpit woke Ben from a restless sleep. He couldn't remember his dreams, they were just swirls of colors and energy. Rey was still sound asleep in his lap. There was a tiny bit of color back in her cheeks but there was still a massive wound in her abdomen. He gently placed her down and returned to the cockpit. The auto pilot had done its job and they would be arriving in the Ilium system within a few minutes.

Ilium was formerly one of the holiest places in the Jedi Order. It was the home of the most powerful Jedi Temple. Ben had been to the frigid planet only once. When he had found his kyber crystal. Now he was hear for an entirely different reason. The waters with in the temple were said to have immense healing powers that came directly from the force itself. Ben didn't know if this would work but he knew that no medic would be able to heal Rey's wounds. The physical or the emotional ones. This was his only chance.

He wrapped himself and Rey in several layers and made his way quickly form the ship. The temple loomed above him, he could feel the power of the force pulling him towards the doors and encasing him.

He reached the temple door and glanced up to the writing above the door. It was the Jedi code. Ben remembered the code well;

"There is no emotion, there is peace,

There is no ignorance, there is knowledge

There is no passion, there is serenity

There is no chaos, there is harmony

There is no death, there is the Force"

Ben pushed the doors open with his mind and quickly glanced around. He stretched out his senses and found what he was looking for. At the back of the temple were several pools. The water a deep yet translucent blue. It was still as the air around him, but he could see the seam rolling and dancing along the surface. The pools were surrounded but thousands of crystals, the light from a single burning torch in the center of the room was glistening off of each crystal bathing the room in warm glow. The reflection of the crystals shone brightly against the surface of the water. It was as if the entire room was covered in starlight. Ben could feel the healing energy in the room and he slowly moved forward and placed stepped into the nearest pool. The warmth instantly washed over him, and he moved further until Rey, in his arms, was completely surrounded up to her neck in the restorative waters. He sat at the edge of the pool, holding Rey tightly in his arms and he prayed to the force that she would live.  

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