Chapter 12

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**Here it is guys as promised. I am furiously writing over here haha. Have a great amazing Reylo filled day.

Finn POV

Rey was still unconscious, but she was looking less pale. The medics had healed most of the more serious wounds. The rest would heal in time, unfortunately Rey would have a few scars, and it was discovered that whatever had been stabbed into her had effectively destroyed her ability to have and children. Finn didn't leave her side the entire time he knew she would wake up soon and he wanted to be there. He sat next to her though the four blood transfusions and as the medics worked tirelessly over her. The only time he had left the room was when they had to remove her blood-stained leggings. Best friends or not, he knew she wouldn't want him seeing her that exposed. He sat, and he waited and when they called him back he felt relief wash over him. The Medics had told him she would live and now just needed to wake up, so he continued to wait.

Rey POV.

Rey knew she was unconscious, but she was also aware that she must be safe because she was dreaming. She was surrounded by green. Trees, grass even the mountain in the distance. The sun shone brightly overhead, and she closed her eyes and enjoyed the feel of the warmth on her skin. Unfortunately, her tranquil state was interrupted by someone. She could feel his presence in her mind before she saw him. Suddenly she was overcome with blinding rage. How dare he come here. He was the absolute last person she wanted to see. Rey felt him behind her and whipped around to glare at him. He was smiling at first but at the sight of her anger, his face fell. A pang of sorrow threatened to rip through Rey, but she pushed it away and focused on the rage.

"How dare you show yourself here" she spat at him, she tried to force as much venom into her voice, so he would know he was unwelcome.

"Rey....." it was all he managed to say before he sank to his knees.

"Don't you dare speak to me. You are nothing but an evil manipulative monster" She let the anger flow now she didn't care if she hurt him. "I trusted you, I dared to care for you and you, you betrayed me. I will never forgive you Kylo Ren and if I ever find you I will destroy you, how could you do that to me?"

"Rey I'm sorry" He wasn't looking at her he just stared at the grass. "I never meant for you to get hurt, I just wanted....."

"What? What did you want Kylo Ren? To make me bleed, to hear me scream in agony? Or was it you simply wanted to break my heart? All of the pain was nothing compared to your betrayal" She watched him flinch back. She was hurting him. "Good" she thought he deserves it.

"Rey, I can feel your anger, please don't do this. Do no fall into the darkness, stay in the light. If not for me, do it for your friends, they will need you" he glanced at her. His eyes were so full pain Rey nearly ran to him. She stopped herself, she would no longer touch that man.

"All this time you wanted me to join the dark side and now you change your mind, its too late Kylo, you've already broken me. Look at it this way now were truly are equals." She knew in her heart that the light with in her was fading. Part of her was terrified but another part relished the thought. "I will find a way to break this connection, you will no longer be a part of me" with that she threw up a wall of force power and sent him flying from her mind. He was gone not completely she knew but for the moment she was alone.

Finally, Rey sank to the ground and began to cry. She could feel his pain and she knew she had hurt him. Try as she might to embrace the rage in order to hate him she couldn't. She knew the only escape from feeling his emotions as well as her own was death. But she would not leave her friends that way. Not yet, not until Hux was dead.

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