Untitled Part 4

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* authors notes! If you've come this far thank you so much!! What is going to happen? 


Rey stirred in her sleep. Something was wrapped around her. She opened her eyes. She was in her bed. How had that happened. She remembered falling asleep outside. Now she was inside and there was a blanket wrapped around her. Where on earth had this come from she wondered. Her eyes moved around her room and landed on the table. There was a crate sitting on the table. She knew she had never seen that before. She reluctantly got up and went to the see what it was. Inside were at least thirty food portions. On the side of each package was the symbol of the First Order. How the hell did these get here? Kylo Ren, had he been here? If so, how had she not woken up. Would he have done something like this? Carried her to her bed and left her enough food for at least another few weeks. It didn't seem likely. He was a monster. Wasn't he? She wasn't entirely sure anymore. Her stomach growled and released her from her thoughts. She tore into one of the portions, and then two more before her hunger subsided.

Once she was no longer starving she went back to her cot and sat down. She wrapped herself up in the blanket. It was probably the nicest blanket she had ever held. The heavy gray material was as soft as feathers and thick enough to keep out the morning chill of Ahch-To.

Her mind wandered to her dreams. These had been different. No throne room and no fighting. Instead she had been kissing someone. Ben, she had thought. But his face was that of Kylo Ren. There were subtle differences though. His eyes were lighter, softer somehow. They almost sparkled with joy. He had kissed her so fiercely, as if he needed her to survive. And she had kissed him back just as passionately. She had told him she loved him. And then the scene changed. It was no longer Ben before her but Kylo Ren. She had pleaded with him before he thrust his saber through her chest. Just over his shoulder she heard someone shout no. But her vision blurred, and she faded away, only to then awaken standing in front of Ben, her saber though his chest, Snoke's voice whispering in her ear. She shivered. His voice was like ice in her veins. It terrified her to no end and what was even worse she couldn't break away from him to help Ben.

Rey's hand flew to her cheek. She was crying. The thought of Ben dying. It tore through her heart with such fierceness she gasped at the sudden intense feeling of pain. It was excruciating. She needed to see Ben. She needed to know he was alive. She closed her eyes and cleared her mind of everything but his face. Jet black hair framing his face. His charcoal eyes piercing and intense. She pictured the scar that ran from just below his right eye to his collar bone. Imagined her fingers tracing that scar. She could feel his force signature. It was so familiar to her. As if she had known it all along. It was a thunder storm of fear and anger wrapped protectively around an intense longing, and a burning desire for something or someone. She could feel herself being pulled across the galaxies and there he was asleep in a bed. His face was calm almost peaceful. She had never seen him so calm before. It was beautiful.

Her eyes wandered around the room. It wasn't fancy, but it was bigger than any room she had called her own. In the corner was the bed in which he slept. The blankets and sheets strewn about as if his nights were always restless. There was a small table next to the bed, his saber rested on it. Silent and deadly. Next to it was a single lamp just barely illuminating the huge space. There were two doors in the wall just beyond the bed, presumably the bathroom and closet. Behind her was what looked to be a kitchen. A large counter running across the middle of the room separating the kitchen from the bed room. In front of the counter there was a glass table with four seats, one on each side. The walls of the room were a gray similar to the blanket she woke up in. Beneath her feet were simple black tiles, their surface so reflective that she could see herself in them. She took a careful step forward towards where he slept. Her eyes traveling to the saber. She could end it so easily. He was unarmed and asleep. She could rid the galaxy of this monster.

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