Chapter 6

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**hold on guys this ride I about to get bumpy !!


Rey awoke with a start. That dream. It was so real, so terrifyingly real she was sure it was more than a dream. The General was talking to one of the guards that Rey and Ben had fought in the throne room. He told Hux what had happened. And then that grin. It spread across the generals face and Rey could see how wicked the man truly was. She was sure that this new face would haunt her dreams. They knew what had happened and now they were sending someone for her, they were going to kill Ben. She had to help him. But first she had to get off this planet, and quickly. She scampered from her bed and grabbed her bag. She started cramming everything her hands touched into the bag. She tore the blanket from Ben off the bed and crumpled it into her bag. Finally, with one last glance around the room she grabbed her staff and rushed out the door.

The Falcon took a few minutes to start up. It could have been faster, but Rey didn't have a co-pilot with her which made everything harder, but not impossible. She had the coordinates for the resistance base on Naboo input into the computer in no time and before she knew it the old ship was lifting off the ground and leaving the atmosphere of Ahch-To. Once she was far enough away from the planet the hyper drive kicked in and all around the windows of the cockpit the stars began to blur together. It would be at least six hours before she made it to Naboo, even for the ship the made the Kessel Run in 14 parsecs. She reached over to the communication panel and sent a signal to the resistance base. There was nothing at first, Rey double checked that she had sent the signal to the right place. Then suddenly she could here Finn's voice crackling through the speaker.

"Captain Finn here, state your business." His voice washed over Rey and she had to blink back tears. She hadn't heard her best friends voice in so long.

"Captain huh? That has a nice ring to it." She smiled. He was finally moving up in the resistance.

"Rey?... REY!!! Is that you? Oh maker it's so good to hear from you. How have you been? Are you coming home? I've missed you so much. Rey!!! Oh man, guys its Rey!!!" Finns enthusiasm brought a huge smile to Rey's face. He was always so excited to talk to her.

"Hey Finn breathe would ya, yes I am coming home, I need to talk to the General. It's very important." She thought again of Hux's plan and a wave a dread washed over her. What if the resistance didn't want to help her.

"That's amazing, I'll let her know you are coming. When will you arrive?" Finn asked he was still talking too quickly.

"I should be there in about 6 hours" Rey replied, it was enough time to figure out exactly what she was going to say to the general.

"Ok awesome, I'll see you soon Rey" Finn ended the call. They both knew that any communication signal that remained on too long could potentially be traced.

"See you soon" Rey whispered to herself as she wandered out of the cockpit. Oh, maker what on earth was she going to tell General Leia. That she had an awful dream about a plan to kill Ben and herself. Did the General even want to save her son after everything he had done. Rey knew that she needed Ben. She couldn't explain the need, but ever since he had kissed her the sense of longing had nearly doubled. But would the rest of the resistance even care about the silly infatuation of a nobody from Jakku. She highly doubted it. Kylo Ren had committed so many crimes he would surely be sentenced to death the minute he set foot on Naboo.

"Oh come on get a grip Rey" she told herself, there were only a few members of the resistance who were even aware that Kylo Ren was Ben Solo. She thought of Ben. Should she warn him? what would she even say to him. That his General was planning to murder the two of them. He would never believe that. The First Order followed his rule, why would he believe her word over theirs. She wasn't even sure how she was going to help him and if he did believe her, she didn't want him to do something rash and get himself killed.

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